Infra provides a library of resources that is constantly evolving to reflect the current state of Apache's infrastructure and policies.
- Please read thisintroduction to the different roles within an Apache project community.
- Through the documentation, unless it is specifically defined, the term
meansdeveloper/contributor orcommitter. - Here you can find an extensive infrastructure overview fordevelopers.
General guides
- Understanding Opensource
- Writing a good bug report
- Creating a Jira ticket
- Creating a patch for project code
PMC resources
Source code
- Project source code repositories
- Repositories for Maven releases and snapshots
- .asf.yaml features for Git repositories
- GitHub Actions and Secrets
Build and release
- Release creation process
- Creating optionalMaven releases
- Signing releases
- Cryptography with OpenPGP
- Release distribution policy
- Release download pages
- Assembling LICENSE and NOTICE files
- General information aboutcontent distribution
- Handling cryptography within an ASF release
- Deploying a self-hosted runner
Website, blog and wiki
- Project website guidelines.Note: No new projects can use the Apache CMS, which has reached end-of-life. Any projects still using the CMS must migrate to another resource to maintain their websites. Projects that have not migrated their site may find that they are no longer able to update it.
- Here is how one projectdid the migration.
- Aproject site template written in Pelican is available to smooth migration away from the CMS, and to support creation of new project sites.
- Managing your project website
- Project blog
- Managing permissions on your project's Confluence space.
Committer resources
- New committer's guide
- Managing your Apache email address
- Apache People provides a simple phone book-likelookup for Apache Committers.
- The Whimsy Project provides a number of committer-specific tools for finding information about Apache people.
- Transitioning to a new PGP key
- Getting started with Git
- Information on setting up and usingOPIE (One Password In Everything).
- The ASF has a fee-waiver arrangement so that committers participating in ASF projects can make free use of theApple Developer Program to prepare and distribute project applications for Apple operating systems.
- Apache mailing list etiquette
- How to submit a patch for project code
Contributor resources
Infra Wiki
TheInfra Wiki provides scripts, how-to articles, and code samples. Most pages support the functions of the Infra team, but a great deal of material has guidance for project committers and PMCs.
You can also browse the completeASF Wiki.
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