Happy Monday, everyone!
We made it to Issue #75! Thank you to everyone who readlast week’s issue ❤️

Deep Dish Swift is the best pizza themed iOS and Swift conference being held in Chicago May 5th to May 7th in 2024. The conference brings togethe Swift and iOS developers of all experience levels and backgrounds in an inclusive environment to share knowledge and experience from a diverse set of speakers. There are talks and a live podcast recording specific forindie development and also two full days of Swift and iOS talks!
A Year In Review
📆 Today’s issue is the last issue of 2021 and I honestly can’t believe that this year is over already. It seemed like 2021 just flew by 😱 This week’s isssue is going to be a little reflection of events from this past year from both my personal and Indie Dev Monday life since they are kind of blurred 😉.
A New Life
This is not directly releated to Indie Dev Monday but my son, Hudson, was born in December of 2020 🥰 He obviously wasn’t bornthis year but he did make this year completely different for me and my wife. It was a huge adjustment to becoming a parent but it’s something I was wanting and I was ready for. I had to reorder some priorities to balance out life but it’s all be absolutely worth it. Hudson is such a joy and is just one of the many reason I’m excited to wake up in the morning 😁
A Reworked Issue
With this change to my personal life, I reduced the number of indie deveopers I was spotlighting each week. In 2020, I was averaging two per issue but this year I dropped down to one. I wanted to make sure I had enough time for Hudson and my family. I was unsure of how this would effect Indie Dev Monday but I think I like the change overall! It put more focus on that one special indie developer and also made some room in the issue for extra content 💪 The big one was the “Newly Released and Updated Indie Apps” section. This turned out so much better than I hoped! So many indie devs have submitted their apps tohttps://indiedevmonday.com/look-at-me. It’s been fun (for me) to learn about new apps and developers from these submitted apps and also see some of our previously spotlighted indie devs push out big updates!
A Sponsor Spot
Another addition added to the issue was the sponsor spot. I threw out the idea in August and in a few weeks I had the September through December filled 🤯 I didn’t expect that kind of response but I’m so grateful for it! Here is another shoutout to this year’s sponoors:
Thank youall for the support!
I have a some amazing sponsors lined up for next year but there are stillsome spots available so just hit me up if you or your company is interested in sponsoring Indie Dev Monday 😉
A Real Life Encounter
It’s been so unreal connecting with so many people all over the world and I’m thankful that technology makes this so easy. But there is nothing like meeting up with other indie developers in person! Indie Dev Monday’s whole lifespan has been in this pandemic and I was unsure if or when I would be able to get this kind of interaction. But… I was luckily able to get some of this time this year!
- Coffee in Chicago suburb withTyler Hillsman and his family
- 360iDev withCameron Deardorff
- SwiftLeeds withJordi Bruin,Antoine van der Lee,David Steppenbeck, andHidde van der Ploeg, andMartin Jeret
- Cat cafes and St Louis pizza withCharlie Chapman
A One Year Anniversary Celebration
This year was also theOne Year Anniversary of Indie Dev Monday! This was such a fun even to put together 🥳 I released three shirts (all of which that are still available athttps://indiedevmonday.com/merch) where all profits get donated toGirls Who Code! It was fun reliving all of the issue, indie devs, and apps when putting together that app icon shirts. I even got to work withHeidi Helen Pilypas who put together the rainbow sort shirt 🙌
A Year To Remember
2021 was definitely a year to remember for me and Indie Dev Monday! The world is still in rough shape and we are all working together to heal it and to heal ourselves. Indie Dev Monday can’t help heal the world but it helped me get through these rough times. It helped me look forward to the start of every week. It helped me connect with other developers around the world instead of shutting myself in my house. It helped inspire me to be creative and pursuse some of my own ideas and endeavours just like some of the spotlighted indie developers.
Andthank you to all of you, the readers and the indie developers, for making all of this possible for me and Indie Dev Monday! It’s been so fun forming all of these connections with you ❤️
But that is all from me for Indie Dev Monday in 2021! I’ll see you in 2022 😎
Newly Released and Updated Indie Apps
Here are some newly released and newly updated apps from this past week! If you would like to possibly see your app in this list, please submit your app to thelook at me form 👀

Thank you to everybody who made it to this footer! You either spent the time to read or took the effort to scroll 😊
Make sure to visithttps://indiedevmonday.com/subscribe to get an email of future issues!
And go to Twitter and give@IndieDevMonday a follow… or multiple follows if you manage more than one Twitter account 😜