the full game will be the mirror clones attacking with different attacks and as different colors to confuse you and each phase adds more clones to the attack cycle (with a different attack each game/retry) and you have to learn the pattern on the spot instead of retrying over and over till you figure it out
this game jam grew from a couple of people (which was my expectation) to almost 80 people through out the year, i am surprised but at the same time thankful for all of you participating (ik that may sound cheesy but it's a holiday to be thankful for people). So since its pretty much Christmas (and even tho you may not celebrate Christmas) merry Christmas/happy holidays to everyone.
finally, a 2015+ game that looks like a free mobile game with actual uniqueness and quality work like the early 2010s mobile games. and a trailer that doesn't involve some generic model. 10/10 already for looking like a mobile game but is still being different than literally 98% of free mobile games. Mobile companies should learn from this game.
I saw the itch trailer, and I have to say, I'm impressed, looks challenging like fnf, but still is easy to learn the controls considering it looks like a 2-button game, like rhythm doctor but with another button and no unsuspecting tricks. Looks like a pretty good rhythm game to me. I'll try it soon.
consider this, the og was probably a passion project or was for a game jam, the dev didn't have to make a sequel that probably took a long time to make with better visuals and new features, but he did anyway, and considering the time to make this, $12 USD is a bargain, and if you don't have the money to buy it, that's alright, at least you still have the og one for free.