


Holding page: Bod-Inc Online

The Bodleian Libraries have taken the Bodleian Incunable Catalogue Online resource offline as a cybersecurity precaution.

We understand how disruptive this has been to the many scholars and communities who use this resource and apologise for any inconvenience.

Find out more about thebackground to this decision.

We are developing new approaches to support and deliver this content in the future.Sign up to hear updates on this content.

Alternative ways to access Bodleian incunables are outlined below.

Please contact with questions about the Bodleian Incunable Catalogue.

Alternative ways to access the material

Users seeking incunables in Bodleian collections can access information in the following places:

Some sections of the printed catalogue can be viewed as pdfs:

Digital Bodleian Incunabula and Blockbooks contains over 500 fully-digitized books printed in Europe before 1501. Many of these items were digitized as part of thePolonsky Foundation Digitization Project.

Date when website was withdrawn:
29 November 2024

