The WebXR Device API provides access to input (pose information from headset and controllers) and output (hardware display) capabilities commonly associated with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) devices. It allows you develop and host VR and AR experiences on the web.
You can read more about the goals of this standardisation effort by reading theWebXR Explainer.
What does this mean...

For phones:
Enable VR by providing pose information and allowing the WebGL scene to be rendered side by side to be placed in a headset like the Cardboard
Enable AR by using the platforms AR capabilities such as ARCore to render the WebGL scene onto the users environment like a magic window.
For Desktops:
Desktop computers can make use of tethered VR hardware such as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to display the VR scene
For standalone AR Headsets:
Enable AR by using the platforms AR capabilities to render the WebGL scene immersively onto the users environment.
For standalone VR Headsets:
Enable VR by rendering the scene using the platforms VR capabilities.
Try out some Demos
is required.These are samples from theWebXR Samples from the Immersive Web Working GroupThey use a very minimal libary to show how one can make use of the WebXR Device API directly.

Benefits of doing XR on the Web
- Instant deployment to every XR platform with a WebXR enabled Web Browser
- Future proof experiences, new AR and VR hardware comes about regularly, your experience should continue working on new hardware without needing to push new code.
- An experience can choose to target both VR and AR, Handheld and head mounted devices with a single release. Minimal code changes needed to support VR and AR together.
- No app stores or large downloads required, users get immediate access to your experience without needing to leave your web site.
- Since the rendering is handled by WebGL, which has been around since 2011, you gain the benefit of WebGL's rich development tool ecosystem and a large, active developer community.
WebXR in the Real World

Spatial Fusion
Meta, Phoria, Lusion - AR
Learn how to use a civilian-grade hand mounted stellarator in this polished AR demo.

Vanveer Original Custom
A great example of WebXR using Model Viewer.

Above Par-adowski WebXR Mini-Golf
Paradowski Creative
A WebXR mini-golf game made for virtual reality. This game began as a 40-hour prototype made for Paradowski Creative's putt putt tourney, but quickly took on a life of its own. Our aim is native-quality VR gameplay & design on the 3D open web.

Project Flowerbed
An immersive VR garden-building experience developed by Meta using WebXR. The goal of this project is todemonstrate best practices for developers building high-quality WebXR experiences.

XR Dinosaurs
Brandon Jones
Welcome to the web's virtual Dinosaur Park!
We've used the magic of your browser to bring back a friendly pack of prehistoric pals.
Our dinosaurs can be viewed with a variety of Virtual Reality headsets, Augmented Reality headsets and phones, or directly in your browser.

Hello WebXR
Mozilla Mixed Reality
The demo is designed as a playground where you can try different experiences and interactions in VR, and introduce newcomers to the VR world and its special language in a smooth, easy and nice way.

Castle Builder
Needle Tools
Build your own castle! Drag 3D models from the various palettes onto the stage, and create your very own world.
Works on Desktop, Mobile, VR, AR, all right in your browser. Interactions are currently optimized for VR
Invite your friends! Click Create Room to be put into a live, multi-user space

Dead Secret Circle Web
Wonderland Engine
Wonderland has achieved a significant breakthrough in WebXR technology by porting the native mystery horror VR game 'Dead Secret Circle' by Robot Invader to the web.
The project demonstrates WebXR can match native performance and quality on VR headsets.
The game is also accessible on PC and mobile devices, showing how WebXR is cross-platform even to traditional media.
Getting started building a WebXR Website
These are brief guides to building a site which uses and AR and VR.
The WebXR device API relies on graphics APIs like WebGL & WebGL2 to work, these graphics libraries and frameworks come with WebXR support built in.
A-Frame is a web framework for building 3D/AR/VR experiences using a combination of HTML and Javascript.
A-Frame is based on three.js and has a large community, as well as lots of community-made custom elements and components.
<html><head><scriptsrc=""></script></head><body><a-scene><a-boxposition="-1 0.5 -3"rotation="0 45 0"color="#4CC3D9"></a-box><a-sphereposition="0 1.25 -5"radius="1.25"color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere><a-cylinderposition="1 0.75 -3"radius="0.5"height="1.5"color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder><a-planeposition="0 0 -4"rotation="-90 0 0"width="4"height="4"color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane><a-skycolor="#ECECEC"></a-sky></a-scene></body></html>
Babylon.js is an easy to use real-time 3D game engine built using TypeScript. It has full WebXR support out of the box, including gaze and teleportation support, AR experimental features and more. To simplify WebXR development Babylon.js offers theWebXR Experience Helper, which is the one-stop-shop for all XR-related functionalities.
To get started use theBabylon.js playground, or try these demos:
To start on your own use this simple template:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html"charset="utf-8"/><title>Babylon - Getting Started</title><!--- Link to the last version of BabylonJS ---><scriptsrc=""></script><style>html,body{overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;}#renderCanvas{width:100%;height:100%;touch-action:none;}</style></head><body><canvasid="renderCanvas"></canvas><script>window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',asyncfunction(){// get the canvas DOM elementvarcanvas=document.getElementById('renderCanvas');// load the 3D enginevarengine=newBABYLON.Engine(canvas,true);// createScene function that creates and return the scenevarcreateScene=asyncfunction(){// create a basic BJS Scene objectvarscene=newBABYLON.Scene(engine);// create a FreeCamera, and set its position to (x:0, y:5, z:-10)varcamera=newBABYLON.FreeCamera('camera1',newBABYLON.Vector3(0,5,-10),scene);// target the camera to scene origincamera.setTarget(BABYLON.Vector3.Zero());// attach the camera to the canvascamera.attachControl(canvas,false);// create a basic light, aiming 0,1,0 - meaning, to the skyvarlight=newBABYLON.HemisphericLight('light1',newBABYLON.Vector3(0,1,0),scene);// create a built-in "sphere" shape; its constructor takes 6 params: name, segment, diameter, scene, updatable, sideOrientationvarsphere=BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere('sphere1',16,2,scene);// move the sphere upward 1/2 of its heightsphere.position.y=1;// create a built-in "ground" shape;varground=BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGround('ground1',6,6,2,scene);// Add XR supportvarxr=awaitscene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({/* configuration options, as needed */})// return the created scenereturnscene;}// call the createScene functionvarscene=awaitcreateScene();// run the render loopengine.runRenderLoop(function(){scene.render();});// the canvas/window resize event handlerwindow.addEventListener('resize',function(){engine.resize();});});</script></body></html>
For advanced examples and documentation see theBabylon.js WebXR documentation page
Model viewer is a custom HTML element for displaying 3D models and vieweing them in AR
<!-- Import the component --><scripttype="module"src=""></script><scriptnomodulesrc=""></script><!-- Use it like any other HTML element --><model-viewersrc="examples/assets/Astronaut.glb"aralt="A 3D model of an astronaut"auto-rotatecamera-controlsbackground-color="#455A64"></model-viewer>
Needle Engine is a web engine for complex and simple 3D applications alike. It is flexible, extensible and has built-in support for collaboration and XR! It is built around theglTF standard for 3D assets.
Powerful integrations forUnity andBlender allow artists and developers to collaborate and manage web applications inside battle-tested 3d editors. Needle Engine integrations allow you to use editor features for exporting models, author materials, animate and sequence animations, bake lightmaps and more with ease.
Our powerful and easy to use compression and optimization pipeline for the web make sure your files are ready, small and load fast!
Follow theGetting Started Guide to download and install Needle Engine. You can also find alist of sample projects that you can try live in the browser and download to give your project a headstart.
For writing custom components read theScripting Guide.
p5.xr is an add-on for p5.js, a Javascript library that makes coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners. p5.xr adds the ability to run p5 sketches in Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality.
p5.xr also works in thep5.js online editor, simply add a script tag pointing to the latest p5.xr release in the index.html file.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scriptsrc="[email protected]/lib/p5.js"></script><scriptsrc=""></script></head><body><script>functionpreload(){createVRCanvas();}functionsetup(){setVRBackgroundColor(0,0,255);angleMode(DEGREES);}functiondraw(){rotateX(-90);fill(0,255,0);noStroke();plane(10,10);}</script></body></html>
PlayCanvas is anopen-source game engine. It uses HTML5 and WebGL to run games and other interactive 3D content in any mobile or desktop browser.
Full documentation available on thePlayCanvas Developer site includingAPI reference. Also check outXR tutorials with sources using online Editor as well asengine-only examples and theirsource code.
Below is basic example of setting up PlayCanvas application, simple scene with light and some cubes aranged in grid. And Immersive VR session on click/touch if WebXR is supported:
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><title>PlayCanvas Basic VR</title><metacharset="utf-8"><scriptsrc=""></script><styletype="text/css">body{margin:0;overflow:hidden;}canvas{width:100%;height:100%;}</style></head><body><canvasid="canvas"></canvas><script>letcanvas=document.getElementById('canvas');// create applicationletapp=newpc.Application(canvas,{mouse:newpc.Mouse(canvas),touch:newpc.TouchDevice(canvas)});// set resizing rulesapp.setCanvasFillMode(pc.FILLMODE_FILL_WINDOW);app.setCanvasResolution(pc.RESOLUTION_AUTO);// handle window resizewindow.addEventListener("resize",function(){app.resizeCanvas(canvas.width,canvas.height);});// use device pixel ratioapp.graphicsDevice.maxPixelRatio=window.devicePixelRatio;// start an applicationapp.start();// create cameraletcameraEntity=newpc.Entity();cameraEntity.addComponent("camera",{clearColor:newpc.Color(0.3,0.3,0.3)});app.root.addChild(cameraEntity);// create lightletlight=newpc.Entity();light.addComponent("light",{type:"spot",range:30});light.translate(0,10,0);app.root.addChild(light);letSIZE=8;// create floor planeletplane=newpc.Entity();plane.addComponent("model",{type:"plane"});plane.setLocalScale(SIZE*2,1,SIZE*2);app.root.addChild(plane);// create a grid of cubesfor(letx=0;x<SIZE;x++){for(letz=0;z<SIZE;z++){letcube=newpc.Entity();cube.addComponent("model",{type:"box"});cube.setPosition(2*x-SIZE+1,0.5,2*z-SIZE+1);app.root.addChild(cube);}}// if XR is supportedif(app.xr.supported){// handle mouse / touch eventsletonTap=function(evt){// if immersive VR supportedif(app.xr.isAvailable(pc.XRTYPE_VR)){// start immersive VR,pc.XRSPACE_LOCALFLOOR);}evt.event.preventDefault();evt.event.stopPropagation();};// attach mouse / touch eventsapp.mouse.on("mousedown",onTap);app.touch.on("touchend",onTap);}</script></body></html>
react-xr is a collection of hooks to help you build XR experiences in react-three-fiber applications.To make a VR React application we’ll use the following stack:
Three.js is a library for 3D graphics,react-three-fiber is react renderer for Three.js,drei is a collection of reusable components for r3f and react-xr is a collection of hooks to help you build XR experiences in react-three-fiber applications.
As soon as you have a 3D scene using react-three-fiber you can make it available in VR or AR with react-xr.
For that, the only thing you need to do is to replace<Canvas>
component with<VRCanvas>
from react-xr package. It’s still the same canvas component but with all additional wiring necessary for VR to function.
Take a look at those simple example here:
You’ll notice that you now have “Enter VR/AR” button available at the bottom of the screen that should start the experience.
Adding controllers
To add controllers you can use a component from react-xr package called<DefaultXRControllers/>
. It will load appropriate controller models and put them in a scene.
<VRCanvas>/* or ARCanvas */<DefaultXRControllers/></VRCanvas>
To interact with objects using controllers you can use<Interactive>
component or useInteraction hook. They allow adding handlers to your objects. All interactions are rays that are shot from the controllers.
here is a short example
You can also see this method in the two VR and AR examples aboves
Learn more
We barely scratched the surface of what is possible with libraries like react-three-fiber and react-xr, I encourage you to check out more examples in GitHub repositorieshere andhere. Remember, every r3f scene can be easily adjusted to be available in WebXR.
Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. It has a large community, gooddocs, and manyexamples.
Using VR is largely the same as regular Three.js applications. Setup the scene, camera, and renderer. The major differenceis setting thevr.enabled
flag to true on the renderer. There is an optional VRButton class to make a button thatwill enter and exit VR for you.
For more info, seethis guide to VR in Three.js and theWebXR examples.
Here is a full example that sets up a scene with a rotating red cube.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><title>Title</title><styletype="text/css">body{margin:0;background-color:#000;}canvas{display:block;}</style></head><body><scripttype="module">// Import threeimport*asTHREEfrom'';// Import the default VRButtonimport{VRButton}from'';// Make a new sceneletscene=newTHREE.Scene();// Set background color of the scene to grayscene.background=newTHREE.Color(0x505050);// Make a camera. note that far is set to 100, which is better for realworld sized environmentsletcamera=newTHREE.PerspectiveCamera(50,window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight,0.1,100);camera.position.set(0,1.6,3);scene.add(camera);// Add some lightsvarlight=newTHREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff,0.5);light.position.set(1,1,1).normalize();scene.add(light);scene.add(newTHREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff,0.5))// Make a red cubeletcube=newTHREE.Mesh(newTHREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1),newTHREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color:'red'}));cube.position.set(0,1.5,-10);scene.add(cube);// Make a renderer that fills the screenletrenderer=newTHREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias:true});renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio);renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);// Turn on VR supportrenderer.xr.enabled=true;// Set animation looprenderer.setAnimationLoop(render);// Add canvas to the pagedocument.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement);// Add a button to enter/exit vr to the pagedocument.body.appendChild(VRButton.createButton(renderer));// For AR instead, import ARButton at the top// import { ARButton } from '';// then create the button// document.body.appendChild(ARButton.createButton(renderer));// Handle browser resizewindow.addEventListener('resize',onWindowResize,false);functiononWindowResize(){camera.aspect=window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight;camera.updateProjectionMatrix();renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);}functionrender(time){// Rotate the cubecube.rotation.y=time/1000;// Draw everythingrenderer.render(scene,camera);}</script></body></html>
Here is a full example of an immersive-ar demo made using three.js
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><title>three.js ar - cones</title><metacharset="utf-8"><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"><linktype="text/css"rel="stylesheet"href="main.css"></head><body><divid="info"><ahref=""target="_blank"rel="noopener">three.js</a> ar - cones<br/></div><scripttype="module">import*asTHREEfrom'';import{ARButton}from'';varcontainer;varcamera,scene,renderer;varcontroller;init();animate();functioninit(){container=document.createElement('div');document.body.appendChild(container);scene=newTHREE.Scene();camera=newTHREE.PerspectiveCamera(70,window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight,0.01,20);varlight=newTHREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffff,0xbbbbff,1);light.position.set(0.5,1,0.25);scene.add(light);//renderer=newTHREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias:true,alpha:true});renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio);renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);renderer.xr.enabled=true;container.appendChild(renderer.domElement);//document.body.appendChild(ARButton.createButton(renderer));//vargeometry=newTHREE.CylinderBufferGeometry(0,0.05,0.2,32).rotateX(Math.PI/2);functiononSelect(){varmaterial=newTHREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0xffffff*Math.random()});varmesh=newTHREE.Mesh(geometry,material);mesh.position.set(0,0,-0.3).applyMatrix4(controller.matrixWorld);mesh.quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix(controller.matrixWorld);scene.add(mesh);}controller=renderer.xr.getController(0);controller.addEventListener('select',onSelect);scene.add(controller);//window.addEventListener('resize',onWindowResize,false);}functiononWindowResize(){camera.aspect=window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight;camera.updateProjectionMatrix();renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);}//functionanimate(){renderer.setAnimationLoop(render);}functionrender(){renderer.render(scene,camera);}</script></body></html>
Unity is a GUI based game engine. It has a number of unofficial WebXR extensions.
WebXR Export
Create a new Unity Project (2019.4.7f1 and up in the 2019.4.x cycle).Switch platform to WebGL.
Import WebXR Export and WebXR Interactions packages from OpenUPM.
Once packages are imported, Go toWindow > WebXR > Copy WebGLTemplates
are in theAssets
folder, Open theXR Plug-in Management
tab in theProject Settings
window and select theWebXR Export
plug-in provider.
Now you can import theSample Scene
fromWindow > Package Manager > WebXR Interactions > Import into Project
InProject Settings > Player > Resolution and Presentation
, selectWebXR
as theWebGL Template
Now you can build the project.
Make sure to build it fromBuild Settings > Build
. Unity’sBuild And Run
server use HTTP. Run the build on your own HTTPS server.
That’s it.
Verge3D is an artist-friendly toolkit that allows Blender, 3ds Max, or Maya artists to create immersive web-based experiences. Verge3D can be used to build interactive animations, product configurators, engaging presentations of any kind, online stores, explainers, e-learning content, portfolios, and browser games.
Setting up Virtual Reality
We recommend to enable theLegacy VR option in app creation settings in the App Manager in order to support a wider range of browsers (such as Mozilla Firefox) and devices.
Cardboard devices should work out of the box in any mobile browser, both on Android and iOS.
Google Daydream works in stable Chrome browser on Android phones while HTC and Oculus devices should work in both Chrome and Firefox browsers.
Plese note that WebXR requires a secure context. Verge3D apps must be served over HTTPS/SSL, or from the localhost URL.
The VR mode can be set up for any Verge3D app usingenter VR mode puzzle.
Interaction with 3D objects is performed by using the gaze-based reticle pointer automatically provided for VR deviceswithout controllers (such as cardboards).
For VR deviceswith controllers, interaction is performed by the virtual ray casted from the controllers.
You can use the standardwhen hovered orwhen clicked puzzles to capture user events as well as VR-specificon session event.
Setting up Augmented Reality
You can run your Verge3D-based augmented reality applications on mobile devices with Anroid or iOS/iPadOS operating systems.
To enable augmented reality, you need an Android device which supportsARCore technology and latest Google Chrome browser. You also need to install Google Play Services for AR. The installation of this package is prompted automatically upon entering AR mode for the first time, if not pre-installed.
Mozilla’sWebXR Viewer is a Firefox-based browser application which supports the AR technology on Apple devices (starting from iPhone 6s). Simplyinstall it from the App Store.
Creating AR Apps
The AR mode can be set up for any Verge3D app using theenter AR mode puzzle.
Upon entering AR mode you will be able to position your 3D content in the “real” coordinate system, which is aligned with your mobile device. In addition to that, you can detect horizontal surfaces (tables, shelves, floor etc) by using thedetect horizontal surface AR puzzle.
Also, to see the the real environment through your 3D canvas, you should enable thetransparent background option in theconfigure application puzzle.
What’s Next
Check out theUser Manual for more info on creating AR/VR applications with Verge3D or see thetutorials for beginners on YouTube.
Got Questions?
Feel free to ask on theforums!
Wonderland Engine is a highly performant WebXR focused development platform.
The Wonderland Editor (Windows, MacOS, Linux) makes WebXR development accessible and provides a very efficient workflow,e.g. by reloading the browser for you whenever your files change.
WebAssembly and optimizations like automatically batching your scene allow you to draw many objects without having to worryabout performance.
Start with theQuick Start Guide and find alist of examplesto help you get started.To start writing custom code, check out theJavaScript Getting Started Guideand refer to theJavaScript API Documentation.
Click on a tab to begin.

Immersive Web Emulator
The Immersive Web Emulator browser extension lets you test your WebXR enabled pages on emulated Meta Quest devices. It's very useful for approximating how yourexperience works in a real device and to quickly test from within your browser.
WebXR Input Profiles
W3C Immersive Web Working Group
This repo provides a javascript library for managing known motion controller profiles, loading the most ideal known profile for a supplied input source, and creating a MotionController object that binds them together. Developers can use this library to interact with the conceptual components of an input source, rather than each individual button or axis.
Support Table for the WebXR Device API
If you notice missing data you can make changes on GitHub
Feature Name | Standardisation | Chrome | Safari on visionOS | WebXR Viewer | Magic Leap Helio | Samsung Internet | Meta Quest Browser | Microsoft Edge | Wolvic | PICO Browser | Servo | Immersive Web Emulator [Chrome] [Edge] | Polyfill |
WebXR Core | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome 79 | Behind a feature flag | iOS | Magic Leap Helio 0.98 | Samsung Internet 12.0 | 7.0, December 2019 | Edge 87 on Windows Desktop Edge 91 on Hololens 2 | 0.9.3, February 2022 | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported, will make use of WebVR if available and WebXR is not. |
WebXR AR Module | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android, 81 | iOS | Magic Leap Helio 0.98 | Samsung Internet 12.1 | 24.0, October 2022 | Edge 91. Hololens 2 only | Wolvic Chromium 1.1 | 3.3.32 | ||||
WebXR Gamepads Module | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome 79 | Partially supported on Magic Leap Helio 0.98 | Samsung Internet 12.0 | 7.1, December 2019 | Edge 87 on Windows Desktop Edge 91 on Hololens 2 | 0.9.3, February 2022 | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported | ||
Hit Test | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android, 81 | iOS | Samsung Internet 12.1 | 25.3, January 2023 | Edge 93. Hololens 2 only | |||||||
DOM Overlays | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android (Mobile), 83 | iOS | Samsung Internet 14.2 | |||||||||
Layers | Explainer Spec MDN | 16.1 | 3.3.32 | Supported. Seehere. | |||||||||
Hand Input | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome 131 | Behind a feature flag | 15.1, April 2021 | Edge 93. Hololens 2 only | Wolvic Chromium 0.9.1 | Supported | ||||||
Anchors | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android, 85 | 15.2 | 24.0, October 2022 | Edge 93. Hololens 2 only | ||||||||
Depth Sensing | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android, 90 | |||||||||||
Light Estimation | Explainer Spec MDN | Chrome for Android, 90 | 15.2 | ||||||||||
Additional Details | Hardware Support Details | 2.0 announcement | Meta Quest Browser Dev Docs | The new Microsoft Edge for Windows Mixed Reality | Introducing Wolvic | GitHub | |||||||
Name | Explainer Spec |