imagineering the web

Hi there, I'm Praseetha KR, a Software Engineer specialized in web application development. This website contains my notes on programming, design, experiences and other musings.

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Design Projects

MetaRefresh 2014

MetaRefresh 2014

From website to event branding, I covered the complete design work required for MetaRefresh 2014 conference. The theme of the conference wasintersection between design and code, which indeed aligned with my core skills and perspective, hence I thoroughly enjoyed the complete process. This website gotfeatured by designmodo as a properly structured conference website.
Color palette
Website design & Development
Stage design
T-shirt design
Badge design
Banners design
Eventifier Legacy

Eventifier Legacy

I handled frontend on creating Eventifier version 2 using Django templates, Bootstrap & SASS. Created style guide, partial templates for repeatable blocks, standardised CSS utils & structuring and performant embeds.
Webapp dashboard design & development
Flutter Clock

Flutter Clock

Developed sample clockfaces for the flutter clock challenge.
Clock face design
Rootconf 2014

Rootconf 2014

From website to event branding, I volunteered for the complete design work required for Rootconf 2014 conference. Created designs related to servers & admins for the DevOps conference. It was real fun working on this project, I got an opprtunity to see a data centre for the first time!
Color palette
Website design & Development
Stage design
Badge design
Banners design
T-shirt design


The most fun project & team I have ever worked! This was Eventifier enhanced version with support for brands. An AngularJS app with extensive moderation options, realtime support and high performant embeds & livewalls with customization options.
Visual design
Webapp development

A freelance project with Mudranik Technologies, revamping self-publishing platform Moving marketing pages out of Drupal, re-structure the static pages and having a consistent modern design language which can be extended to e-commerce website as well. It was fun working with the team.
Color scheme
Design language
Static pages design & Development


Volunteered for logo & website design. Setup basic design templating & design and collaborated on the development process.
Website design & Development
JSFoo 2014

JSFoo 2014

Volunteered with HasGeek on designing & developing website for JSFoo 2014.
Color palette
Website design & Development
More design works