


The Lost Will [1-room tech demo]

🚨 1-room tech demo. You can only walk around, turn on the lights, and go to other rooms. There is nothing else implemented yet.

El tío Ignacio falleció mientras dormía, y no dejó herederos. Mi familia ahora se pelea por su herencia, y eso está arruinando todo. Yo sé que dejó un testamento, en el cual les prometió a todos su justa parte. Vine hasta su antigua finca para buscarlo, pero antes de darme cuenta, cayó la noche, y siento que alguien todavía habita en este lugar...

English:Uncle Ignacio passed away in his sleep, and he left no heirs. My family is fighting for his inheritance, and it's tearing us apart. I know he wrote a will where he left everyone their fair share... I came to his resting place to look for it, but before I realized, it was nighttime, and I feel that someone stills inhabits this place...


  • Arrow keys: Movement.
  • Z (hold): Run.
  • Up key: interact / switch lights / open doors.


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