kwara state, chi state ki di ẹfu western nigeria, ki hiọmẹ kpai east ti ọwọ kogi state, lo tì north lo tì ọwọ niger state, kpamani ti ọwọ south tì ọwọ ekiti, osun, kpamani oyo states, eñwu ki chi ki ni hiọmẹ kpai western ti ki jeñwu añolanwu ka dì oji-anè amenedudu ki d’ìba Nigeria oñwu che áne odada abeki oji kpali ki hiọmẹ gbi Nigeria ku ma ado oduñwu benin republic.[1][2] ugbẹta nwu chi ẹfu ewo ilorin kpaì ma nwu state nì gomenti yi oji éwo Keke (local government area egweafa)
Ẹfu ami states ogwu egwa ny'omefa ki di nigeria, kwara nwu èki-èlà lile efu àdogbo, ama onwu chi èki-èfa kèkè nyeju, ki ni estimated population ẹyi agunu 3.2 million adiko ọdọ 2016.[3] òmè-ilè, kwara state che kperu agbada west sudanian savanna ẹfu west, kpamani guinean forest–savanna mosaic ecoregion ẹfu state le kibọ. Enwu ka ki chi ogbogaga Kwara chi ami aji ki cha lale the awun, asa, aluko, kpamani oyun rivers aru li interior nwu. Ẹfu ona jiji northwest ẹyi state le chi borgu section ẹyi kainji national park, national park lilẹ kini populations ẹyi grey heron, kob, hippopotamus, african bush elephant, olive baboon, kpamani roan antelope, along with some of the last remaining west african lions ẹfu earth.[4][5][6] ona jiji southwest, a small part of the old oyo national park ni crowned eagle, martial eagle, african buffalo, oribi, kpamani patas monkey populations.[7][8][9]
kwara state íteté ní alí ka kwí ódo gwé kubí kpaí amí újo íchí íchí, abo ku ma chí ógbogege omó chí amí íyají ku ma dòdó ojané state, tabalé ama kichí ómuné ño dòmo gé onw chí ami nupe efu yí northeast, bariba (baatonu) kpaí busa (bokobaru) àmone kí dé ẹfí ojané west, manyu úwéwé kêka amí íchí fulani efu ilorin, am alulé léfu state dabí nomadic herders.[10]
Íko amí pre-colonial , ójilé amí area ku ma dí kwara state aboji ma dí oyo empire, kpaí amí ícha kí bo dí western portions borgu kingdoms àmone bariba, boko kpaí amoné bissa , kpaí ojiane nupe (1531-1835). Efi mid 1800s, amí fulani jihad annexed i chą Kubo ma abojí īchí state yí kwara kpaí placed the area under the gwandu sphere of the sokoto caliphate. ta kí Nigeria ní ujadú, ku ma né olama kw'efu ọwọ amenfu efu ódò 1960. originally, kwara ki chí state abojí chí de‘ fu amí ukpa post-independence northern region wa efu ofo 1967, ẹgba kí region kparú manyu ame a ta kí ma damí west central state. éfu ódò 1976, odu ñwu mu roda tí Kwara state kpaí odu ñwu dago gbogbo tí efu odo 1990s, íko kí southeast che kparu ku ma dama kí mu dí íba kogi state kpaíícha jiji rí northwest borgu division was annexed into the borgu division of niger state.
economically, kwara state né ané úché naná amenwu óko domó úché ku ma gbaju alo chí , coffee, cotton,òpaà, cocoa, ékpa, manyu obì .eñwu ómuné kí chogbogaga ge chí industries are services,ólolonwu che kí dí efí ewo ilorin, kpaí amenwu oré onwu che àmí éla kpai ranching ya amí cattle, àwúo, kpaí àlàa. .[11]
Ma choné kwara state efu óchu ékélu nolu ojo ogwu nyo mebie efu ódò 1967,[12] ẹgba kí amí soja gw'ọwọ ñwu federal government ẹgba kí general yakubu gowon dí Nigeria kparu ùgbo region méla ta kí ma choda ka kí federation eí nigeria kí kparu state megwejí . egba ku ma choné , state le ya mu dama kpai amí ilorin kubí kpaí kabba provinces of the then northern region and was initially named the west central state but later changed to "kwara", a local name for the river niger, in the hausa language.[13]akwi efu ódò 1976
kwara state hané e wané ta kwubí le talu kíde kubí le alu ku ma chane choné amí state tìto efu nigeria.efu óchu ékéji nolu megwétà efu ódò 1976, amiidah/dekina ọwọ ka mu códá kwí state le ta kpaí í gbó dama manyu ìbà m benue/plateau state ku ma chí benue state.[14]
Ojo kochù ēkejo nolu ogwu nyo mebie efu ódo1991, amí f local government areas mélu oñwu chamí , oyi,yagba, okene, okehi kpaí kogi ma nwo che Kuma dama kí mudí íba new kogi state, while a sixth, borgu local government area, was merged with niger state.[15] ùgbo kí chí efi ewo amone eñwu wéwé tule chí local governments are ilorin kpaí offa.[16]
kwara state has numerous mineral resources such as tourmaline, tantalite, and many mineral deposits in the northern part. cocoa and kolanut in the southern parts oke - ero, ekiti and isin lga.[17]