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File:Flag of Italy.svg

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File:Flag of Italy.svg
Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file:800 × 533 pixeles.Altri resolutiones:320 × 213 pixeles |640 × 427 pixeles |1,024 × 683 pixeles |1,280 × 853 pixeles |2,560 × 1,707 pixeles |1,500 × 1,000 pixeles.

Original file((file SVG, nominalmen 1,500 × 1,000 pixeles, mesura de file: 273 bytes))

Ti file es de Wikimedia Commons e posse esser usat per altri projectes.Li descrition in supágine de descrition es monstrat in infra.

DescritionFlag of Italy.svgFlag of Italy

There has been a long discussion on the colors of this flag.Please readthe talk page before editing or reverting this image. Pantone to RGB performed byPantone color finder.

[ Regno D'Italia(GU 174 del 28 luglio 2006)
Art. 31 (Definizione cromatica dei colori della bandiera della Repubblica)

Regno ItalianoVerde17-6153 Bianco11-0601Rosso18-1662.

2. L'utilizzazione di altri tessuti deve produrre lo stesso risultato cromatico ottenuto sull'esemplare custodito presso il Dipartimento del Cerimoniale di Stato della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, nonché presso ogni Prefettura e ogni Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana all'estero.


Pantonetextile 17-6153 TCX (Fern Green);
Pantonetextile 11-0601 TCX (Bright White);
Pantonetextile 18-1662 TCX (Scarlet Red).
Used colors:
     Fern Greenrendered asRGB000 140069Pantone 17-6153
     Bright Whiterendered asRGB 244 245 240Pantone 11-0601
     Scarlet Redrendered asRGB 205033042Pantone 18-1662
AutorSee below.
(Reusant ti-ci file)
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Public domainThis image ofsimple geometry isineligible forcopyright and therefore in thepublic domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
InsigniaThis image shows aflag, acoat of arms, aseal or some other officialinsignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of thecopyright status.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Public domain
Public domain
Thecountry of origin of this photograph is Italy. It is in thepublic domain there because its copyright term has expired. According toLaw for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights n.633, 22 April 1941 and later revisions,images of people or of aspects, elements and facts of natural or social life, obtained with photographic process or with an analogue one, including reproductions of figurative art andfilm frames offilm stocks (Art. 87)are protected for a period of 20 years from creation (Art. 92).This provision shall not apply to photographs of writings, documents, business papers, material objects, technical drawings and similar products (Art. 87). Italian law makes an important distinction between "works of photographic art" and "simple photographs" (Art. 2, § 7). Photographs that are "intellectual work with creative characteristics" are protected for 70 years after the author's death (Art. 32 bis), whereas simple photographs are protected for a period of 20 years from creation.
This may not apply in countries that don't apply therule of the shorter term to works from Italy. In particular, these are in the public domain in the United States only if:

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Other versions

Derivative works of this file:

Dependent images:

SVG genesis
TheSVG code isvalid.
This flag was created with atext editor.
Pleasedo not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created withInkscape or any othervector graphics editor
It is easy to put a border around thisflag image

[[File:Flag of Italy.svg|border|96x176px]]

Source code

SVG code

<svgxmlns=""width="1500"height="1000"viewBox="0 0 3 2"><rectwidth="3"height="2"fill="#009246"/><rectwidth="2"height="2"x="1"fill="#fff"/><rectwidth="1"height="2"x="2"fill="#ce2b37"/></svg>


Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents
Flag of Italy
Bandiera dell'Italia
Drapeau de l'Italie
Vexillum Italiae
Bandera de Italia
Bandeira da Itália
Флаг Итальянской Республики
Bandiere Itagliene
Italian Flag
Flaga Włoch
Italienische Flagge
پرچم ایتالیا
İtalya Bayrağı.
İtaliya bayraq
Италия Республикасының Мемлекеттік байрағы
Bandeira de Italia.
flagga av Italien
Сцяг Італіі
Italian lippu
Biểu tượng nước ý
vlag van Italië
ਇਟਲੀ ਦਾ ਝੰਡਾ
Talijanska zastava
Державний прапор Італійської Республіки
ფლაგ ოფ იტალუსუვგ
פאן איטאליע
Italia flago
Drapelul Italiei

Items portrayed in this file

depicts anglesi

flag of Italy anglesi

inception anglesi

28 septembre 2005

media type anglesi


Versiones del file

Clacca a un date/témpore por vider ti version.

(max nov |max antiqui) Monstrar (nov 10 |) (10 |20 |50 |100 |250 |500)
Version deMiniaturaDimensionesUsatorComentarie
actual04:44, 18 may 2016Miniatura del version de 04:44, 18 may 20161,500 × 1,000(273 bytes)Revi C.c:User:Rillke/bigChunkedUpload.js:Requested.
06:37, 23 novembre 2009Miniatura del version de 06:37, 23 novembre 20091,500 × 1,000(273 bytes)Zscout370reduce code
00:29, 1 decembre 2007Miniatura del version de 00:29, 1 decembre 20071,500 × 1,000(306 bytes)Zscout370I proposed an agreement, we should stick to that. Colors back to ffffff
03:27, 29 novembre 2007Miniatura del version de 03:27, 29 novembre 20071,500 × 1,000(306 bytes)Reisioswitch to colors legislated by the Italian government
23:14, 9 julí 2007Miniatura del version de 23:14, 9 julí 20071,500 × 1,000(306 bytes)Zscout370Green and red changed, white is still at fffff (Italian Gov't never replied to my letters)
06:21, 28 marte 2007Miniatura del version de 06:21, 28 marte 20071,500 × 1,000(306 bytes)FibonacciSimplified code, and did *not* change colours.
09:58, 31 julí 2006Miniatura del version de 09:58, 31 julí 20061,500 × 1,000(2 KB)Paulatzversion using "#ffffff" for the central band, for the Pantone ("#fafeff") versione seeImage:Printabel_Flag_of_Italy.svg
09:01, 31 julí 2006Miniatura del version de 09:01, 31 julí 20061,500 × 1,000(407 bytes)Zscout370Reisio, I think they are right on this one. The Government is very quiet, so for right now, I am going to FFFFFF. We got bigger fish to try right now, so let's come back to this later.
03:35, 12 februar 2006Miniatura del version de 03:35, 12 februar 20061,500 × 1,000(407 bytes)Dbenbennthe previous version was invalid SVG. Fixed. Colors are the same: #008d46, #fafeff, #d2232c
02:26, 12 februar 2006Miniatura del version de 02:26, 12 februar 20061,500 × 1,000(3 KB)Denelson83Fix phantom borders
(max nov |max antiqui) Monstrar (nov 10 |) (10 |20 |50 |100 |250 |500)

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