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Facebook adalah layanan jejaring sosial yang tersedia sejak tahun 2006 untuk para pemilik akun potensial. Layanan ini telah memiliki satu miliar pengguna aktif pada Februari 2012.

Kutipan tentang Facebook

[sunting |sunting sumber]
Kami percaya bahwa bagian penting dalam memerangi ekstremisme adalah mencegah perekrutan dengan cara mengganggu ideologi yang mendorong orang untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan. Itulah sebabnya kami mendukung berbagai upaya kontra-pidato. ~ Monika Bickert
Facebook kini telah memantapkan dirinya sebagai pusat di internet, menjadikannya tujuan bagi para peselancar untuk melakukan berbagai hal seperti komunikasi, bermain game, berbelanja, berbagi foto, dan mengumpulkan informasi. ~ Chris Green
  • Pengenalan fitur baruFacebook yang menggunakanWikipedia untuk memerangi "berita palsu" [...] merupakan ujian terbesar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir bagi ensiklopedia online yang dikelola secara sukarela ini, yang merupakan ancaman besar bagi sumber pengetahuan bebas terbesar dan paling tepercaya di internet. ... Hal ini juga menyoroti risiko yang ditimbulkan oleh upaya Facebook yang tampaknya mengalihkan masalahnya ke ensiklopedia online tersebut. Memang, Wikipedia telah berjuang untuk mempertahankan standarnya dalam menghadapi peran barunya sebagai "polisi yang baik" di internet. Seiring dengan semakin banyaknya raksasa teknologi seperti Facebook danYouTube yang menggunakan kontennya, gelombang pengguna baru membanjiri situs web ini [-] tidak semuanya berniat baik.
  • Saya pikir dengan semuateknologi, orang memiliki gagasan tentang bagaimana teknologi tersebut akan digunakan, tetapi kemudian teknologi tersebut memiliki kehidupannya sendiri dan orang menggunakannya dengan berbagai cara. Sama halnya dengan Facebook. Saya ragu ketika orang pertama kali membuat Facebook, mereka membayangkan bahwa Facebook akan membantu orang-orang diMesirRevolusi Mesir 2011 untuk menggulingkan seorang diktator. Jadi, Facebook memiliki kehidupannya sendiri yang tidak dapat kita prediksi.
  • Di halaman Facebook-nya sendiri, Zuckerberg menjelaskan misi pribadinya seperti ini: "Saya mencoba membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih terbuka." Tidak ada yang menyebutkan bahwa hal ini akan merusak tatanan sosial.Industri tembakau pernah mencobapemasaran seperti ini: "Lebih Banyak Dokter yang Merokok Unta Dibanding Rokok Lainnya!" Bedanya, media menyebut mereka di atasnya. Sebuah cerita sampul yang bersinar diTime Magazine dari tahun 2014 dibuka dengan foto Zuckerberg yang dikelilingi oleh kerumunananak miskin diIndia. "Misi kami adalah menghubungkan setiap orang di dunia," kata Zuckerberg seperti dikutip dalam artikel tersebut. Artikel tersebut secara singkat mencatat kepentingan finansial yang jelas dimiliki Facebook untuk menggaet setiap orang yang hidup dimedia sosial. Namun, artikel tersebut dengan cepat beralih ke pernyataan bahwa "menciptakankekayaan dan menyelamatkan nyawa" adalah motif sebenarnya dari Zuckerberg. Ketika para elit memusatkan perhatian mereka pada Facebook, mereka selalu menuntut perusahaan untuk memberikan kontrol yang lebih besar terhadap penggunanya. Setelahpemilihan 2016, ada seruan yang meluas agar Facebook lebih membatasi berita yang dapat dilihat oleh orang Amerika di situs tersebut. Menurut Washington Post,Barack Obama memanggil Zuckerberg dalam pertemuan para pemimpin dunia diPeru dan memintanya untuk memberlakukansensor yang lebih ketat. SenatorDemokratDianne Feinstein dariCalifornia mengajukan permintaan yang sama. "Anda yang menciptakan platform ini dan sekarang platform ini disalahgunakan," ujarnya. "Dan Anda harus menjadi orang yang melakukan sesuatu tentang hal ini-atau kami yang akan melakukannya." Jika saja Obama dan Feinstein sama prihatinnya dengan pelanggaran tanpa henti Facebook terhadapprivasi publik. Atau tentang jutaan pengguna yang kecanduan yang terus menurun dari penggunaannya. Atau tentang rusaknya tatanan sosial.
    • Tucker Carlson,Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution (2018)
  • Regardless, this new research shows thatWikipedia editors of different opinions have strived for consensus over time. That's opposed to Facebook or Twitter, where people are siloed into their own self-reinforcing echo chambers. ... Consider this a version of the “miracle of aggregation” – that large groups of people are able to act rationally and solve problems despite having vastly different interests.
  • This power over our egos has granted Facebook what we can think of as bullying rights. It routinely attempts to bully people into compliance with its rules on the boundaries offree speech, using tactics such as arbitrarily blocking users or reducing the visibility level of particular posts and videos.
    • Malhotra, R. (2021). Artificial intelligence and the future of power: 5 battlegrounds. New Delhi : Rupa, 2021.
  • The hard reality is that the more you interact with Facebook, the more control it will assert over you. The company’s tactic is to encourage people to comply by intimidating them enough to internalize Facebook’s way of thinking. Users are reluctant to walk away from the platform because they have invested time and energy in it and are unwilling to abandon their relationships.
    • Malhotra, R. (2021). Artificial intelligence and the future of power: 5 battlegrounds. New Delhi : Rupa, 2021.
  • A big part of Facebook's pitch is that it has so much information about its users that it can more effectively target ads to those who will be responsive to the content. If Facebook can prove thattheory to be true, then it may not worry so much about losing its cool cachet.
    • Christopher Matthews, (January 15, 2014). "More Than 11 Million Young People Have Fled Facebook Since 2011". Retrieved April 22, 2014.
  • Now let me pull out so we’re clear about the problem we all face and how we got here. The attacks against us in Rappler began 5 years ago when we demanded an end to impunity on two fronts:Duterte’s drug war andMark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. Today, it has only gotten worse – andSilicon Valley’s sins came home to roost in theUnited States onJanuary 6 with mob violence on Capitol Hill. What happens onsocial media doesn’t stay on social media. Online violence is real world violence. Social media is a deadly game for power and money, whatShoshana Zuboff callssurveillance capitalism, extracting our private lives for outsized corporate gain. Our personal experiences are sucked into a database, organized byAI, then sold to the highest bidder. Highly profitable micro-targeting operations are engineered to structurally undermine human will – a behavior modification system in which we arePavlov’s dogs, experimented on in real time with disastrous consequences in countries like mine,Myanmar,India, Sri Lanka and so many more. These destructivecorporations have siphoned money away from news groups and now pose a foundational threat tomarkets andelections. Facebook is the world’s largest distributor ofnews, and yet studies have shown that lies laced withanger andhate spread faster and further than facts on social media. These American companies controlling our global informationecosystem are biased against facts, biased againstjournalists. They are – by design – dividing us and radicalizing us. Without facts, you can’t havetruth. Without truth, you can’t have trust. Without trust, we have no shared reality, no democracy, and it becomes impossible to deal with our world’s existential problems:climate,coronavirus, the battle for truth.
  • Comparisons to the lies and tactics of Big Tobacco in the 20th century are wholly justified. Facebook, and the politicians benefiting from it, know full well the harms they are unleashing on the public. Facebook is the world’s largest distributor of news, yet studies have shown that on social media, lies laced with anger and hatred spread faster and farther than facts.
  • I believe that Facebook represents one of the gravest threats to democracies around the world, and I am amazed that we have allowed our freedoms to be taken away by technology companies’ greed for growth and revenues.
  • Facebook mistreats its users. Facebook is not your friend, it is asurveillance engine. For instance, if you browse the Web and you see a 'like' button in some page or some other site that has been displayed from Facebook. Therefore, Facebook knows that yourmachine visited that page. So, Facebook carries out surveillance over visitors to thousands of differentWebsites, even for people who are not Facebook users. I hope we will have something for free browsers to block Facebook 'like' buttons so that people won't be under surveillance. In any case, this is why I ask people not to put photographs of me on Facebook, because Facebook collects data about the names of people in photos. It might as well be working directly forBig Brother. Facebook collects a lot of data from people and admits it. And it also collects data which isn't admitted. AndGoogle does too. As forMicrosoft, I don't know. But I do know that Windows has features that send data about the user.
    • Richard Stallman, Facebook is a surveillance engine, not friend: Richard Stallman, Free Software Foundation
  • I have one friend whose Facebook updates are exclusively complaining about Facebook.
  • I doff my fedora to this Facebook! It's the smartest way to keep people dumb since we started fluoridating the water.
  • The civic tech expertEd Saperia used as his parable the difference betweenWikipedia and Facebook. Jimmy Wales’s big experiment, which started life in 1999 as Nupedia, has created an open-source collection of human knowledge in hundreds of languages that is essentially trustworthy. If a mistake creeps in through the gates of human generosity, it gets corrected in the same way. If malicious actors try to slander their foes, the punishment is not cancellation, but more like lifelong ridicule, which is proportionate, given how long a slanderous person is likely to carry on doing ridiculous things. In other words, it is the best of humanity, all natural desire to help each other with cross-pollinated knowledge concentrated in one place.
    Facebook, for brevity, takes the same raw material – all the people in the world – and finds the worst in it. Facebook manages to winkle out things we didn’t know we were capable of – levels of vitriol, gullibility and hysteria – in between a scare ad for dark politics and a mesmerising video of five types of mince baked around a kilo of cheese. (I am paraphrasing a bit; I don’t think civic tech gurus dwell much on the cheese.)
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