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Woody Harrelson

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Woody Harrelson
LahirWoodrow Tracy Harrelson
23 Juli 1961 (umur 63)
Midland,Texas, A.S.
  • Aktor
  • Dramawan
Tahun aktif1978–sekarang
IMDB: nm0000437Allocine: 4062Rottentomatoes: celebrity/woody_harrelsonAllmovie: p30548TCM: 81515Metacritic: person/ people/woody-harrelsonIBDB: 44190
Facebook: woodyharrelsonX: WoodyHarrelsonInstagram: woodyharrelsonMusicbrainz: 19857f51-ef8b-4455-9e67-a066ae340034Songkick: 3034506Discogs: 1432631Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata

Woodrow Tracy "Woody" Harrelson (lahir 23 Juli 1961) adalah seorang aktor Amerika danDramawan. Dia adalah penerima berbagai penghargaan, termasuk sebuahPrimetime Emmy Award, dan telah dinominasikan untuk tiga orangAcademy Awards dan empatGolden Globe Awards.


[sunting |sunting sumber]
1978Harper Valley PTAExtraTidak dikreditkan
1990Cool BlueDustin
1991L.A. StoryStation managerTidak dikreditkan
1991Doc HollywoodGordonHank Gordon
1991Ted & VenusHomeless Vietnam Veteran
1992White Men Can't JumpHoyleBilly Hoyle
1993Indecent ProposalMurphyDavid Murphy
1994Natural Born KillersKnoxMickey Knox
1994Cowboy WayThe Cowboy WayLewisPepper Lewis
1994I'll Do AnythingGround Zero Hero
1995Money TrainRobinsonCharlie Robinson
1996People vs. Larry FlyntThe People vs. Larry FlyntFlyntLarry Flynt
1996KingpinMunsonRoy Munson
1996SunchaserReynoldsDr. Michael Reynolds
1997Wag the DogSchumannSgt. William Schumann
1997Welcome to SarajevoFlynnJordan Flynn
1998Thin Red LineThe Thin Red LineKeckSgt. William Keck
1998PalmettoBarberHarry Barber
1998Hi-Lo CountryThe Hi-Lo CountryMatsonBig Boy Matson
1999Play It to the BoneBoudreauVince Boudreau
1999EDtvPekurnyRay Pekurny
1999Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged MeHimself
1999GrassNarrator (suara)
2003Anger ManagementGalaxia / Security Gary
2003Go FurtherHimself
2003ScorchedValleyJason "Woods" Valley
2004After the SunsetLloydStanley "Stan" P. Lloyd
2004She Hate MePowerLenald Power
2005North CountryWhiteBill White
2005Prize Winner of Defiance, OhioThe Prize Winner of Defiance, OhioRyanLeo "Kelly" Ryan
2005Big WhiteThe Big WhiteBarnellRaymond "Ray" Barnell
2006Free JimmyArnieRoy Arnie (suara)
2006Scanner DarklyA Scanner DarklyLuckmanErnie Luckman
2006Prairie Home CompanionA Prairie Home CompanionDusty
2007WalkerThe WalkerPageCarter Page III
2007No Country for Old MenWellsCarson Wells
2007Battle in SeattleDale
2007GrandThe GrandFaroOne Eyed Jack Faro
2007NankingWilsonRobert O. "Bob" Wilson
2008Semi-ProMonixEd Monix
2008Surfer, DudeMayweatherJack Mayweather
2008Seven PoundsTurnerEzra Turner
2009MessengerThe MessengerStoneCaptain Anthony "Tony" Stone
2009DefendorPoppingtonArthur Poppington / Defendor
20092012FrostCharlie Frost
2010BunrakuBartenderThe Bartender
2011Friends with BenefitsBollingerTommy Bollinger
2011EthosNarrator (suara)
2011RampartBrownDavid Douglas "Dave" Brown
2012Hunger GamesThe Hunger GamesAbernathyHaymitch Abernathy
2012Seven PsychopathsCostelloCharlie Costello
2013How to Make Money Selling DrugsHimself
2013Now You See MeMcKinneyMerritt McKinney
2013Out of the FurnaceDeGroatHarlan DeGroat
2013Free BirdsJake (suara)
2013Hunger Games: catching FireThe Hunger Games: Catching FireAbernathyHaymitch Abernathy
2014Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1AbernathyHaymitch Abernathy
2015Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2AbernathyHaymitch Abernathy
2016Triple 9AllenSergeant Detective Jeffrey Allen
2016Now You See Me 2McKinneyChase McKinney/Merritt McKinney
2016DuelThe DuelBrantAbraham Brant
2016LBJJohnsonLyndon B. Johnson
2016Edge of SeventeenThe Edge of SeventeenBrunerMax Bruner
2017Lost in LondonHimselfJuga sutradara, produser dan penulis
2017War for the Planet of the ApesColonel J . Wesley McCullough
2017Glass CastleThe Glass CastleWallsRex Walls
2017Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, MissouriWilloughbySheriff Bill Willoughby
2017Shock and AweLandayJonathan Landay
2018Solo: A Star Wars StoryBeckettTobias Beckett
2018VenomKasadyCletus KasadyKameo kelas menengah
2019HighwaymenThe HighwaymenGaultManey Gault
2019Zombieland: Double TapTallahassee
2019MidwayNimitzAdmiral Chester Nimitz
2021Venom: Let There Be CarnageKasadyCletus Kasady /CarnagePasca produksi
2022TBAKatePasca produksi
TBATriangle of SadnessPasca produksi

Pranala luar

[sunting |sunting sumber]
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