Tirosit (bahasa Inggris:thyrocyte, thyroid epithelial cell, follicular cell, principal cell) adalahselepitelial padakelenjar tiroid yang mensintesis dan menssekresihormonT4 danT3.
Tirosit dapat terdiferensiasi menjadionkosit dalam pengaruhinterferon-γ dan menginduksisimtomahipotiroidisme akibatradang yang disebutHashimoto tiroiditis.[1]
- ^(Inggris)"Immunoproteasome Overexpression Underlies the Pathogenesis of Thyroid Oncocytes and Primary Hypothyroidism: Studies in Humans and Mice".Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Bioregulation, Leprosy Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Feinstone Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Hiroaki J. Kimura, Cindy Y. Chen, Shey-Cherng Tzou, Roberto Rocchi, Melissa A. Landek-Salgado, Koichi Suzuki, Miho Kimura, Noel R. Rose, dan Patrizio Caturegli. Diakses tanggal2010-11-19.