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Ruth Gordon

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Ruth Gordon
LahirRuth Gordon Jones
Suami/istriGregory Kelly (1921-1927)
Garson Kanin (1942-1985)
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Ruth Gordon 1946.

Ruth Gordon Jones (30 Oktober 1896 – 28 Agustus 1985; juga dikenal denganRuth Gordon) adalah seorangaktris berkebangsaanAmerika Serikat yang memenangkan nominasiAcademy Award,Golden Globe, danEmmy Award. Dia dilahirkan diQuincy, Massachusetts. Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun1915 hingga1985.


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TahunFilmSebagaiCatatan lain
1915The Whirl of LifeExtraUncredited
1940Dr. Ehrlich's Magic BulletHedwig Ehrlich
Abe Lincoln in IllinoisMary Todd Lincoln
1941Two-Faced WomanMiss Ruth Ellis, Larry's Secretary
1943Action in the North AtlanticMrs. Jarvis
Edge of DarknessAnna Stensgard
1965Inside Daisy CloverThe Dealer - Mrs. CloverGolden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture
Nominated -Aktris Pendukung Terbaik (Oscar)
1966Lord Love a DuckStella Bernard
1968Rosemary's BabyMinnie CastevetAktris Pendukung Terbaik (Oscar)
Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture
1969What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice?Alice Dimmock
1970Where's Poppa?Mrs. Hocheiser
1971Harold and MaudeMaudeNominated -Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
1976The Big BusOld Woman
1978Every Which Way But LooseMa Boggs
1979Scavenger HuntArvilla Droll
BoardwalkBecky Rosen
1980Any Which Way You CanSenovia 'Ma' Boggs
My BodyguardGramma
1982Jimmy the KidBernice
1985MaxieMrs. Lavin
Delta PiMugsy
1987The Trouble with SpiesMrs. Arkwright
Voyage of the Rock AliensSheriff
1950The Prudential Family Playhouse"Over 21"
1966Hallmark Hall of FameMadame Arcati"Blithe Spirit"
1973Isn't It Shocking?Marge Savage
1975KojakMiss Eudora Temple"I Want to Report a Dream"
RhodaCarlton's Mother"Kiss Your Epaulets Goodbye"
Nominated -Emmy Award
Medical StoryEmily Dobson"The Right to Die"
1976The Great HoudiniCecilia WeissNominated -Emmy Award
Look What's Happened to Rosemary's BabyMinnie CastevetAkaRosemary's Baby II
1977ColumboAbigail Mitchell"Try and Catch Me"
'The Love BoatMrs. Warner"Joker Is Mild, The/First Time Out/Take My Granddaughter, Please"
The Prince of Central ParkMrs. Miller
1978Perfect GentlemenMrs. Cavagnaro
1979TaxiDee Wilcox"Sugar Mama"
Won -Emmy Award
1980Hardhat and LegsGrandmotheruncredited
also writer
1982Don't Go to SleepBernice
1983-1984NewhartBlanche Devane, Kirk's grandmother"Grandma, What a Big Mouth You Have (1983)
"Go, Grandma, Go" (1984)

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