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Di Indonesia, rumah potong dibagi menjadi dua macam. "Rumah pemotongan hewan" atau "rumah potong hewan" (RPH, kadang disebut "rumah potong ternak";SNI 01-6159-1999) digunakan sebagai rumah potong untuk ternak selain unggas, sepertisapi dankambing. Sementara itu, "rumah pemotongan unggas" atau "rumah potong unggas" (RPU; SNI 01-6160-1999) digunakan sebagai rumah potong khusus unggas, sepertiayam danbebek.
The slaughterhouse process differs by species and region. (Kosher andhalal religious laws prescribe specific methods of slaughter that differ from those described below.)
Animals are received by truck or rail from aranch,farm, orfeedlot.
Animals are herded into holding pens (seeJudas goat).
Carcass is cut apart and the body parts separated.
Meat cuts are quickly chilled to prevent the growth ofmicroorganisms and to reduce meat deterioration while the meat awaits market demand for its distribution.
The remaining carcass may be further processed to extract any residual traces of meat, usually termedmechanically recovered meat, which may be used for human or animal consumption.
Material not destined for human consumption is sent to arendering plant.
The meat is transported to distribution centers that distribute to local retail markets.
In the later half of the20th century, the layout and design of most US slaughterhouses has been significantly influenced by the work of Dr.Temple Grandin. Grandin is also well known for beingautistic and it was a fascination with patterns and flow that first led her to redesign the layout of cattle holding pens.
Grandin's primary objective was to reduce the stress and suffering of animals being led to slaughter. In particular she applied an intuitive understanding of animal psychology to design pens and corrals which funnel a herd of animals arriving at a slaughterhouse into a single file ready for slaughter. Her corrals employ long sweeping curves so that each animal is prevented from seeing what lies ahead and just concentrates on the hind quarters of the animal in front of it.
Grandin now claims to have designed over 54% of the slaughterhouses in the United States as well as many other slaughterhouses around the world.
The standards and regulations governing slaughterhouses vary considerably around the world. In many countries the slaughter of animals is virtually unregulated by law; often, however, it is strongly regulated by custom and tradition.
In some communities animal slaughter may be controlled by religious laws, most notablyhalal forMuslims andkosher forJewish communities. These both require that the animals being slaughtered should be conscious at the point of death, as such animals cannot be stunned prior to killing. This can cause conflicts with individual national regulations when a slaughterhouse adhering to the rules of kosher preparation is located in some western countries.
Some countries have laws that exclude specific animal species or grades of animal from being slaughtered for human consumption. The formerIndian Prime Minister Atal BehariVajpayee, a self-proclaimed strict vegetarian, suggested in2004 introducing legislation banning the slaughter of cows throughoutIndia, where thecow is asacred animal toHindus, for whom the slaughter of one is unthinkable and offensive. The slaughter of cows and the importation ofbeef into the nation ofNepal are strictly forbidden under Nepalese law.
An older term for an open-air slaughterhouse is a "shambles"; there are streets named "The Shambles" in some English towns (e.g.Worcester,York) which got their name from having been the site on which butchers killed and dressed animals for consumption. In those days there were no sanitary facilites orhygiene laws as known today, and guts, offal and blood were chucked into a runnel down the middle of the street or open space where the butchering was carried out. Picking one's way through the resulting mess must have been unpleasant - but then, all forms of household waste were commonly thrown in the street anyway, so perhaps it was less disgusting to the people of that age than it would be to us. You can easily see why we refer to any scene of total disorganisation and mess as "a shambles". The word is probably derived from Saxon word "Fleshammels", meaning "street of the butchers".-->