Hebrides (/ˈhɛbr[invalid input: 'ɨ']diːz/;Gaelik Skotlandia:Innse Gall;Norse Lama:Suðreyjar) meliputikepulauan luas dan beragam di lepas pesisir barat daratan utamaSkotlandia. Terdapat dua kelompok utama: HebridesDalam danLuar. Kepulauan tersebut memiliki sejarah panjang pendudukan yang bermula pada zamanMesolitikum, dan budaya para penduduknya terpengaruh oleh pengaruhKeltik,Norse, dan bangsa-bangsa pemakaibahasa Inggris. Keragamannya terefleksi dalam nama-nama yang diberikan untuk pulau-pulau tersebut, yang berasa; dari bahasa yang dipakai disana sejak zamanpra-sejarah.
Berbagai artis mendapatkan inspirasi dari pengalaman Hebrides mereka. Saat ini, ekonomi kepulauan tersebut terbagi padacrofting, perikanan, pariwisata, industri minyak, danenergi terbarukan.
Ballin Smith, B. and Banks, I. (eds) (2002)In the Shadow of the Brochs, the Iron Age in Scotland. Stroud. Tempus.ISBN 0-7524-2517-X
Ballin Smith, Beverley; Taylor, Simon; and Williams, Gareth (2007)West over Sea: Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300. Leiden. Brill.
Benvie, Neil (2004)Scotland's Wildlife. London. Aurum Press.ISBN 1-85410-978-2
Buchanan, Margaret (1983)St Kilda: a Photographic Album. W. Blackwood.ISBN 0-85158-162-5
Buxton, Ben. (1995)Mingulay: An Island and Its People. Edinburgh. Birlinn.ISBN 1-874744-24-6
Downham, Clare "England and the Irish-Sea Zone in the Eleventh Century" in Gillingham, John (ed) (2004)Anglo-Norman Studies XXVI: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2003. Woodbridge. Boydell Press.ISBN 1-84383-072-8
Fraser Darling, Frank; Boyd, J. Morton (1969).The Highlands and Islands. The New Naturalist. London: Collins.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link) First published in 1947 under title:Natural history in the Highlands & Islands; by F. Fraser Darling. First published under the present title 1964.
Gillies, Hugh Cameron (1906)The Place Names of Argyll. London. David Nutt.
Gregory, Donald (1881)The History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland 1493 - 1625. Edinburgh. Birlinn. 2008 reprint - originally published by Thomas D. Morrison.ISBN 1-904607-57-8
Steel, Tom (1988)The Life and Death of St. Kilda. London. Fontana.ISBN 0-00-637340-2
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1995)The New Lighthouse on the Dhu Heartach Rock, Argyllshire. California. Silverado Museum. Based on an 1872 manuscript and edited by Swearingen, R.G.
Thompson, Francis (1968)Harris and Lewis, Outer Hebrides. Newton Abbot. David & Charles.ISBN 0-7153-4260-6