William Clark Gable (1 Februari 1901 – 16 Nopember 1960) adalah seorang aktor film Amerika. Sering disebut sebagai "Raja Hollywood",[ 2] Ia mempunyai peran dalam lebih dari 60 film dalam berbagai genre selama karirnya yang bertahan selama 37 tahun, tiga dekade diantaranya sebagaipemeran utama pria . Dia dinobatkan sebagaibintang film pria terhebat ketujuh dalam sinema klasik Amerika olehAmerican Film Institute .[ 3]
Gable memenangkanAcademy Award untuk Aktor Terbaik untuk perannya dalamkomedi romantis ,It Happened One Night (1934). Ia juga dinominasikan Oscar untuk perannya sebagaiFletcher Christian dalam dramaMutiny on the Bounty (1935), danRhett Butler dalam drama roman sejarahGone with the Wind (1939). Dia menerima nominasiPenghargaan Golden Globe untuk peran komedinya diTeacher's Pet (1958), danBut Not for Me (1959). Dia juga membintangiCall of the Wild (1935),Key to the City (1950), danMogambo (1953). Peran terakhirnya di layar adalah sebagai seorang koboi tua diThe Misfits (1961).
Gable adalah salah satu artis box office paling konsisten dalam sejarah Hollywood, muncul di majalah tahunan Quigley PublishingTop Ten Money Making Stars Poll enam belas kali. Dia tampil bersama banyak aktris paling populer pada masanya. Dia sering berakting bersamaJoan Crawford ,Myrna Loy ,Jean Harlow ,Lana Turner ,Norma Shearer danAva Gardner . Gable meninggal karena serangan jantung pada tahun 1960 pada usia 59 tahun.
Tempat kelahiran Gable tahun 1901 di Cadiz, Ohio William Clark Gable lahir pada tanggal 1 Februari 1901, diCadiz, Ohio , dari William Henry "Will" Gable (1870–1948), seorang pengebor sumur minyak,[ 4] [ 5] dan istrinya Adeline (nama gadis Hershelman). Ayahnya adalah seorang Protestan dan ibunya seorang Katolik. Gable diberi nama William sesuai nama ayahnya, tetapi dia hampir selalu dipanggil Clark, dan disebut sebagai "anak kecil" oleh ayahnya.[ 6] :1 Gable berusia enam bulan ketika ia dibaptis di sebuah gereja Katolik Roma diDennison, Ohio . Ketika ia berusia sepuluh bulan, ibunya meninggal.[ 4] Ayahnya menolak membesarkannya dalam agama Katolik, yang memicu kritik dari keluarga Hershelman. Gable dan ayahnya aktif di gerejaMetodis dimana ayahnya adalah seorang guru Sekolah Minggu.[ 7] Perselisihan tersebut terselesaikan ketika ayahnya setuju untuk mengizinkannya menghabiskan waktu bersama paman dari pihak ibunya, Charles Hershelman dan istrinya di pertanian mereka diVernon Township, Pennsylvania .[ 8] Pada bulan April 1903, ayah Gable menikah dengan Jennie Dunlap (1874–1920).[ 9] [ 10]
Ibu tiri Gable mendidik anak yang tinggi dan pemalu itu dengan suara lantang agar berpakaian rapi dan berdandan dengan baik. Ia memainkan piano dan memberinya pelajaran di rumah.[ 11] Dia kemudian mengambil instrumen kuningan, menjadi satu-satunya anak laki-laki di band kota Hopedale Men pada usia 13 tahun.[ 12] Gable memiliki bakat di bidang mekanik dan senang memperbaiki mobil bersama ayahnya, yang memaksanya untuk melakukan aktivitas maskulin seperti berburu dan kerja fisik yang berat. Gable juga mencintai sastra; dia akan membacakanShakespeare di depan teman-teman dekatnya, khususnyasoneta .[ 12]
Ayahnya mengalami kesulitan keuangan pada tahun 1917 dan memutuskan untuk mencoba peruntungannya di bidang pertanian, dan memindahkan keluarganya kePalmyra Township , dekatAkron, Ohio . Ayahnya bersikeras agar dia bekerja di pertanian, tetapi Gable segera pergi bekerja di Akron untukFirestone Tire and Rubber Company .[ 13]
Tahun # Judul Sebagai Pemimpin Wanita Sutradara Catatan 1931 1 The Painted Desert Rance Brett Helen Twelvetrees Howard Higgin APathé Production. DenganWilliam Boyd ,William Farnum ,J. Farrell MacDonald . 2 The Easiest Way Nick Feliki, Laundryman Anita Page Jack Conway DenganConstance Bennett ,Adolphe Menjou ,Robert Montgomery . 3 Dance, Fools, Dance Jake Luva Joan Crawford Harry Beaumont DenganCliff Edwards . 4 The Finger Points [1] Louis J. Blanco John Francis Dillon Fay Wray DenganRichard Barthelmess ,Regis Toomey . 5 The Secret Six Carl Luckner Jean Harlow George Hill DenganWallace Beery ,Johnny Mack Brown . Pertama dari enam film, Gable dilakukan denganHarlow . 6 Laughing Sinners Carl Loomis Joan Crawford Harry Beaumont DenganNeil Hamilton . Pertama dari delapan film, Gable dilakukan denganCrawford . 7 A Free Soul Ace Wilfong, Gangster Defendant Norma Shearer Clarence Brown DenganLeslie Howard ,Lionel Barrymore .[ 14] 8 Night Nurse Nick, the Chauffeur Barbara Stanwyck William A. Wellman AWarner Bros. Production. DenganBen Lyon ,Joan Blondell . 9 Sporting Blood Warren "Rid" Riddell Madge Evans Charles Brabin Peran dibintangi pertama Gable. 10 Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) Rodney Spencer Greta Garbo Robert Z. Leonard DenganJean Hersholt ,Alan Hale . 11 Possessed [ 15] Mark Whitney Joan Crawford Clarence Brown Dengan Wallace Ford,Marjorie White . 12 Hell Divers CPO Steve Nelson Dorothy Jordan George Hill DenganWallace Beery ,Conrad Nagel . 1932 13 Polly of the Circus Reverend John Hartley Marion Davies Afred Santell WithC. Aubrey Smith . 14 Red Dust [ 16] Dennis Carson Jean Harlow Victor Fleming WithGene Raymond ,Donald Crisp . Mary Astor 15 Strange Interlude Dr. Ned Darrell Norma Shearer Robert Z. Leonard .Based on theplay byEugene O'Neill . This is the first film where Gable sports amoustache . 16 No Man of Her Own Babe Stewart Carole Lombard Wesley Ruggles AParamount Picture . WithDorothy Mackaill . Gable's only film with Lombard, whom he later married. 1933 17 The White Sister [ 17] Giovanni Severi Helen Hayes Victor Fleming WithLouis Stone 18 Hold Your Man Eddie Hall Jean Harlow Sam Wood WithStuart Erwin . 19 Night Flight [2] Jules Helen Hayes Clarence Brown WithJohn Barrymore ,Lionel Barrymore ,Robert Montgomery ,Myrna Loy . 20 Dancing Lady Patch Gallagher Joan Crawford Robert Z. Leonard WithFranchot Tone ,Robert Benchley ,Fred Astaire ,[ 18] Nelson Eddy , and theThree Stooges . 1934 21 It Happened One Night [ 19] [ 20] Peter Warne Claudette Colbert Frank Capra AColumbia Picture . WithWalter Connolly ,Alan Hale . Generally regarded as one of the all-time greatromantic comedies . Gable and Colbert wonAcademy Awards for their performances. 22 Men in White Dr. George Ferguson Myrna Loy Richard Boleslavsky WithJean Hersholt ,Otto Kruger . Elizabeth Allan 23 Manhattan Melodrama [ 21] Edward J. "Blackie" Gallagher Myrna Loy W.S. Van Dyke WithWilliam Powell . 24 Chained [3] Michael "Mike" Bradley Joan Crawford Clarence Brown WithOtto Kruger ,Stuart Erwin . 25 Forsaking All Others Jeffrey "Jeff"/"Jeffy" Williams Joan Crawford W.S. Van Dyke WithRobert Montgomery ,Charles Butterworth ,Billie Burke . 1935 26 After Office Hours James "Jim" Branch Constance Bennett Robert Z. Leonard WithStuart Erwin ,Billie Burke . 27 The Call of the Wild Jack Thornton Loretta Young [ 22] William A. Wellman A20th Century Production, released thruUnited Artists . WithJack Oakie ,Reginald Owen . Loosey adapted from the novel byJack London . 28 China Seas Captain Alan Gaskell Jean Harlow Tay Garnett WithWallace Beery ,Lewis Stone ,C. Aubrey Smith ,Robert Benchley . Rosalind Russell 29 Mutiny on the Bounty [ 23] [ 24] Lt. Fletcher Christian Movita Frank Lloyd WithCharles Laughton , Franchot Tone,Donald Crisp ,Henry Stephenson . One of Gable's most famous films. He received anAcademy Award nomination for his performance.[ 25] Based on thenovel byCharles Nordhoff andJames Norman Hall . 1936 30 Wife vs. Secretary Van Stanhope Jean Harlow Clarence Brown WithMay Robson ,James Stewart . Myrna Loy 31 San Francisco Blackie Norton Jeanette MacDonald W.S. Van Dyke WithSpencer Tracy ,Jack Holt ,Shirley Ross . Another of Gable's biggest hits. 32 Cain and Mabel Larry Cain Marion Davies Lloyd Bacon A Cosmopolitan Production released byWarner Bros. . 33 Love on the Run Michael "Mike" Anthony Joan Crawford W.S. Van Dyke WithFranchot Tone ,Reginald Owen . 1937 34 Parnell Charles Stewart Parnell Myrna Loy John M. Stahl WithEdna May Oliver . Generally regarded as Gable's worst film.[ 26] 35 Saratoga Duke Bradley Jean Harlow [ 27] Jack Conway WithLionel Barrymore ,Frank Morgan . Gable's last film with Harlow. 1938 36 Test Pilot Jim Lane Myrna Loy Victor Fleming WithSpencer Tracy ,Lionel Barrymore . 37 Too Hot to Handle [4] Christopher "Chris" Hunter Myrna Loy Jack Conway WithWalter Connolly ,Walter Pidgeon . Gable's last film with Loy. 1939 38 Idiot's Delight Harry Van Norma Shearer Clarence Brown Based on the play byRobert Sherwood . Gable performsIrving Berlin 's "Puttin' On the Ritz." 39 Gone with the Wind [ 28] Rhett Butler Vivian Leigh Victor Fleming [ 29] ASelznick-International /MGM Production. Filmed inTechnicolor . WithLeslie Howard ,Thomas Mitchell ,Hattie McDaniel . Based on thenovel byMargaret Mitchell . One of the best-loved movies of all time. Gable received anAcademy Award nomination for what is generally regarded as his most famous performance. Olivia de Havilland
Tahun # Judul Sebagai Pemimpin Wanita Sutradara Catatan 1940 40 Strange Cargo André Verne Joan Crawford Frank Borzage WithIan Hunter ,Peter Lorre ,Paul Lukas . Gable's last film with Crawford.[ 30] 41 Boom Town Big John McMasters Claudette Colbert Jack Conway WithSpencer Tracy ,Frank Morgan ,Lionel Atwill . Hedy Lamarr 42 Comrade X McKinley B. "Mac" Thompson Hedy Lamarr King Vidor WithOscar Homolka . 1941 43 They Met in Bombay Gerald Meldrick Rosalind Russell Clarence Brown WithPeter Lorre ,Reginald Owen . 44 Honky Tonk [5] "Candy" Johnson Lana Turner Jack Conway WithFrank Morgan ,Marjorie Main ,Albert Dekker . Gable's first film with Turner. Claire Trevor 1942 45 Somewhere I'll Find You [6] Jonathan "Jonny" Davis Lana Turner Wesley Ruggles WithRobert Sterling ,Reginald Owen . Gable's last film before enlisting in theArmy Air Corps to serve in combat duringWWII . 1945 46 Adventure Harry Patterson Greer Garson Victor Fleming WithJoan Blondell andThomas Mitchell . Gable's first post-WWII film and the one with the now classic tag line, "Gable's back and Garson's Got Him!" 1947 47 The Hucksters Victor Albee Norman Deborah Kerr Jack Conway WithSydney Greenstreet ,Adolphe Menjou ,Keenan Wynn ,Edward Arnold . Ava Gardner 1948 48 Homecoming [7] Col. Ulysses Delby "Lee" Johnson Lana Turner Mervyn LeRoy WithJohn Hodiak . Anne Baxter 49 Command Decision Brig. Gen. K.C. 'Casey' Dennis _ Sam Wood WithWalter Pidgeon ,Van Johnson ,Brian Donlevy ,Charles Bickford ,John Hodiak ,Edward Arnold ,Marshall Thompson . 1949 50 Any Number Can Play [8] Charley Enley Kyng Alexis Smith Mervyn LeRoy WithWendell Corey ,Audrey Totter ,Frank Morgan .
Tahun # Judul Sebagai Pemimpin Wanita Sutradara Catatan 1950 51 Key to the City [9] Steve Fisk Loretta Young George Sidney WithFrank Morgan ,[ 31] James Gleason ,Marilyn Maxwell , andRaymond Burr . 52 To Please a Lady [10] Mike Brannan Barbara Stanwyck Clarence Brown WithAdolphe Menjou ,Will Geer ,Roland Winters . 1951 53 Across the Wide Missouri Flint Mitchell Maria Elena Marques William Wellman Filmed inTechnicolor . WithJohn Hodiak ,Ricardo Montalban ,Adolphe Menjou ,Jack Holt . 54 Callaway Went Thataway Himself _ Norman Panama WithFred MacMurray ,Dorothy McGuire ,Howard Keel . Gable,Esther Williams , andElizabeth Taylor made guest appearances in this film. Melvin Frank 1952 55 Lone Star Devereaux Burke Ava Gardner Vincent Sherman WithBroderick Crawford . 1953 56 Never Let Me Go [11] Philip Sutherland Gene Tierney Delmer Daves WithRichard Haydn . 57 Mogambo [ 32] [ 33] Victor Marswell Ava Gardner John Ford Filmed inTechnicolor on location inAfrica . WithDonald Sinden . Grace Kelly 1954 58 Betrayed Col. Pieter Deventer Lana Turner Gottfried Reinhardt WithVictor Mature ,Louis Calhern . Gable's last film under hisMGM contract. 1955 59 Soldier of Fortune Hank Lee Susan Hayward Edward Dmytryk A20th Century-Fox Production. WithMichael Rennie ,Gene Barry . Filmed inCinemascope and Deluxe color. Gable's firstwide-screen film. 60 The Tall Men Colonel Ben Allison Jane Russell Raoul Walsh A20th Century-Fox Production. WithRobert Ryan ,Cameron Mitchell . Filmed inCinemascope and Deluxe color. 1956 61 The King and Four Queens Dan Kehoe Eleanor Parker Raoul Walsh A Russ-Feild-Gabco Production, released thruUnited Artists . WithJo Van Fleet , Jean Willes,Barbara Nichols . Filmed inCinemascope and Deluxe color. Gable's only attempt at producing one of his films. 1957 62 Band of Angels Hamish Bond Yvonne de Carlo Raoul Walsh AWarner Bros. Production. WithSidney Poitier ,Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. ,Patric Knowles . Filmed in WarnerColor. 1958 63 Run Silent Run Deep Cmdr. "Rich" Richardson Mary LaRoche Robert Wise A Hecht-Hill-Lancaster Production, released thruUnited Artists . WithBurt Lancaster ,Jack Warden ,Don Rickles . 64 Teacher's Pet James Gannon/James Gallangher Doris Day George Seaton AParamount Production. WithGig Young ,Mamie Van Doren ,Nick Adams . Filmed inVistaVision . 1959 65 But Not for Me [12] Russell "Russ" Ward Carroll Baker Walter Lang AParamount Production. WithLee J. Cobb . Filmed inVistaVision . Lilli Palmer
Tahun # Judul Tahun # Judul 1931 1 The Christmas Party 1939 10 Screen Snapshots: Stars on Horseback 2 Jackie Cooper's Birthday Party 11 Hollywood Hobbies 1932 3 Screen Snapshots 1940 12 Northward, Ho! [ 35] 1933 4 Hollywood on Parade No. 9 1941 13 You Can't Fool a Camera 1935 5 Hollywood Hobbies 1943 14 Show Business at War 6 Starlit Days at the Lido 15 Wings Up 1937 7 Hollywood Party 1943 16 Screen Snapshots: Hollywood in Uniform 8 The Candid Camera Story (Very Candid of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures 1937 Convention
1950 17 Screen Actors 1938 9 Hollywood Goes to Town
^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag<ref>
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^ "Clark Gable: King of Hollywood" .The Huffington Post . Diakses tanggalApril 22, 2014 . ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag<ref>
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^a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag<ref>
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^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag<ref>
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^ "Excerpt from Clark Gable" . ^ Philip C. DiMare (June 30, 2011).Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1 . Abc-Clio. hlm. 661.ISBN 978-1-59884-296-8 . Diakses tanggalJune 2, 2017 . ^ Clark Gable on Biography.com Accessed August 5, 2016^ Harris, Warren G. (September 1, 2010).Clark Gable: A Biography (dalam bahasa Inggris). Crown.ISBN 978-0-307-55517-5 . ^ Todd E. Creason (2009).Famous American Freemasons, Volume 2 . Lulu.com. hlm. 92.ISBN 978-0-557-07088-6 . Diakses tanggalJune 2, 2017 . ^a b Spicer, Chrystopher J. (January 15, 2002).Clark Gable: Biography, Filmography, Bibliography (dalam bahasa Inggris). McFarland.ISBN 978-0-7864-1124-5 . ^ Jordan, Elisa (October 22, 2018).Rockhaven Sanitarium: The Legacy of Agnes Richards (dalam bahasa Inggris). Arcadia Publishing.ISBN 978-1-4396-6558-9 . ^ Barrymore memenangkanAcademy Award untuk penampilannya.^ Joan Crawford juga membintangi pada sebuah film1947 berjudulPossessed . Film ini bukan remake dari sebelumnya.^ Remade asMogambo (1953 ) with Gable again in the lead. ^ Previously filmed in1922 withRonald Colman in the Gable role. ^ Astaire 's film debut.^ Best Picture Academy Award winner for1934 .^ Remade asYou Can't Run Away From It (1956 ) withJack Lemmon in the Gable role. ^ Reputedly the film thatgangster John Dillinger saw just before being gunned down. ^ Young and Gable had an affair during the making of this film, resulting in Young bearing Gable's child.^ Best Picture Academy Award winner for1935 .^ Other versions of theBounty mutiny includeIn the Wake of the Bounty (1933 ),Mutiny on the Bounty (1962 ), andThe Bounty (1984 ) with, respectively,Errol Flynn ,Marlon Brando , andMel Gibson in the Gable role. ^ Laughton andTone also receivedAcademy Award nominations.^ "This performance was one of the real disasters of his career, prompting many indignant letters from admirers." - Gabe Essoe.The Films of Clark Gable. Secaucus, NJ. Citadel Press, 1970. ^ Harlow died during production of this film. The film was completed using her stand-in Mary Dees.^ A made-for-TV sequel entitledScarlett (1994 ) starredTimothy Dalton in the Gable role. ^ AlthoughFleming is the film's sole credited director, portions of the film were directed byGeorge Cukor andSam Wood . ^ Although Gable received top billing in the advertisements for this film, Crawford has top billing in the film's opening credits. ^ This wasMorgan 's last film. He died before the film was released. ^ Previously filmed asRed Dust (1932 ), also with Gable in the lead. ^ "Magambo" is theSwahili word for "Passion." ^ AlsoMarilyn Monroe 's last film. ^ A behind-the-scenes look at the making ofNorthwest Passage (1940 ) starringSpencer Tracy .
1928–1950 1951–1975 1976–2000 2001–sekarang
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