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Candice Bergen

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Candice Bergen
Candice Bergen, 1993
LahirCandice Patricia Bergen
9 Mei 1946 (umur 78)
Beverly Hills, California, U.S.
PekerjaanActress, fashion model
Tahun aktif1965–present
IMDB: nm0000298Allocine: 2615Rottentomatoes: celebrity/candice_bergenAllmovie: people/candice-bergenIBDB: 86320
Instagram: bergenbagsMusicbrainz: 8508b841-e69f-46b2-a6f5-9b3ca26bfd96Discogs: 2132867Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata

Candice Patricia Bergen (lahir9 Mei1946) merupakan seorangaktris berkebangsaanAmerika Serikat yang memenangkan nominasiGolden Globe Award danEmmy Award. Dia dilahirkan diBeverly Hills, California. Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun1966.


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Candice Bergen and her motherFrances Bergen at the 62nd Academy Awards March 26, 1990
List of feature film credits
1966Group, TheThe GroupLakey
1966Sand Pebbles, TheThe Sand PebblesShirley Eckert
1967Day the Fish Came Out, TheThe Day the Fish Came OutElectra Brown
1967Vivre pour vivreCandiceAkaLive for Life (US)
1968Magus, TheThe MagusLily
1970Adventurers, TheThe AdventurersSue Ann Daley
1970Getting StraightJan
1970Soldier BlueKathy Maribel Lee, 'Cresta'
1971Carnal KnowledgeSusan
1971Hunting Party, TheThe Hunting PartyMelissa Ruger
1971T.R. BaskinT. R. BaskinAkaA Date with a Lonely Girl (UK)
197411 HarrowhouseMaren Shirell
1975Wind and the Lion, TheThe Wind and the LionEden Pedecaris
1975Bite the BulletMiss Jones
1977Domino Principle, TheThe Domino PrincipleEllie TuckerAkaThe Domino Killings (UK)
1978Night Full of Rain, AA Night Full of RainLizzy
1978Oliver's StoryMarcie Bonwit
1979Starting OverJessica Potter
1981Rich and FamousMerry Noel Blake
1982GandhiMargaret Bourke-White
19842010SAL 9000Voice only (credited as Olga Mallsnerd)
1985StickKyle McClaren
2000Miss CongenialityKathy Morningside
2002Sweet Home AlabamaMayor Kate Hennings
2003View from the TopSally Weston
2003In-Laws, TheThe In-LawsJudy Tobias
2008Sex and the CityEnid Frick
2008Women, TheThe WomenCatherine Frazier
2009Bride WarsMarion St. Claire
2010Romantics, TheThe RomanticsAugusta


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