Báb , nama lahirSiyyid `Alí Muhammad Shírází (/ˈ s eɪ j ə d ˈ æ l i m oʊ ˈ h æ m ə d ʃ ɪ ˈ r ɑː z i / ;bahasa Persia :سيد علی محمد شیرازی ; 20 Oktober 1819 – 9 Juli 1850) adalah pendiriBabisme , dan salah satu figur utama dalamKepercayaan Bahá'í . Báb adalah seorang pedagang asalShiraz diQajar Iran . Pada tahun 1844, dalam usia dua puluh empat, ia diklaim menjadi pembawa pesan Allah.
`Abdu'l-Bahá (1891).A Traveller's Narrative: Written to illustrate the episode of the Bab . Browne, E.G. (trans.). Cambridge University Press. Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . `Abdu'l-Bahá (1891).A Traveller's Narrative: Written to illustrate the episode of the Bab . Browne, E.G. (trans.) (edisi ke-2004 reprint, with translator's notes). Los Angeles, US: Kalimát Press.ISBN 1-890688-37-1 . Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . Afnán, Mírzá Habíbu’lláh (n.d.).The Báb in Shiraz: An Account by Mírzá Habíbu’lláh Afnán (PDF) . Diarsipkan dariversi asli (PDF) tanggal 2008-05-29. Diakses tanggalMay 23, 2008 . Afnán, Mirza Habibu'llah (2008).The Genesis of the Bâbí-Bahá'í Faiths in Shíráz and Fárs . Diterjemahkan oleh Rabbani, Ahang. BRILL.ISBN 90-04-17054-5 . Balyuzi, H.M. (1973).The Báb: The Herald of the Day of Days . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-048-9 . Effendi, Shoghi (1944).God Passes By . Wilmette, Illinois, US: Bahá'í Publishing Trust.ISBN 0-87743-020-9 . Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . Ferraby, John (1975).All Things Made New: A Comprehensive Outline of the Bahá'í Faith . Bahá'í Distribution Service.ISBN 81-86953-01-9 . Lawson, Todd; Ghaemmaghami, Omid, ed. (2012).A Most Noble Pattern: Collected Essays on the Writings of the Báb, `Alí Muhammad Shirazi (1819-1850) . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 978-0-85398-556-3 . Nabíl-i-Zarandí (1932). Shoghi Effendi (translator), ed.The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative (edisi ke-Hardcover). Wilmette, Illinois, US: Bahá'í Publishing Trust.ISBN 0-900125-22-5 . Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . Saiedi, Nader (2008).Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb . Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.ISBN 978-1-55458-056-9 . [pranala nonaktif permanen ] Taherzadeh, A. (1976).The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 1: Baghdad 1853–63 . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-270-8 . Taherzadeh, A. (1977).The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 2: Adrianople 1863–68 . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-071-3 . Taherzadeh, A. (1984).The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 3: `Akka, The Early Years 1868–77 . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-144-2 . Taherzadeh, A. (1987).The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 4: Mazra'ih & Bahji 1877–92 . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-270-8 . Amanat, Abbas (1989).Resurrection and Renewal . Ithaca, New York, US: Cornell University Press.ISBN 0-8014-2098-9 . Anonymous (1910). Browne, E.G., ed.Kitab-i Nuqtat al-Kaf: Being the Earliest History of the Bábis . Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill. Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . British Broadcasting Corporation (2002)."BBC Religion and Ethics Special: Bahá'í" . Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . Browne, E.G. (1889)."The Bábis of Persia" .Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society : 485–526, & 881–1009. Browne, E.G. (1890)."Babism" .Religious Systems of the World: A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion . London: Swann Sonnenschein. hlm. 333–53. Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . Huseyn of Hamadan, Mirza (1893).The Tarikh-i-Jadid, or New History of Mirza 'Ali Muhammad The Bab . Browne, E.G. (trans.). Cambridge: University Press. Diakses tanggalFebruary 21, 2007 . MacEoin, Denis (1992).The Sources for Early Bābī Doctrine and History . Leiden: Brill.ISBN 90-04-09462-8 . MacEoin, Denis (2008).The Messiah of Shiraz: Studies in Early and Middle Babism . Leiden: Brill.ISBN 9004170359 . Diarsipkan dariversi asli tanggal 2018-02-27. Diakses tanggal2019-06-15 . Nicolas, A. L. M. (1905).Seyyed Ali Mohammed dit Le Bab . Paris: Dujarric & Cie, Editeurs. Diakses tanggalSeptember 18, 2007 . Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan:
Báb .
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Báb .
Karya Báb diProject Gutenberg Karya oleh/tentang Báb diInternet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta) Karya Báb diLibriVox (buku suara domain umum)Selected Writings of the Báb at Bahá'í Reference LibraryPrayers of the Báb Works of the Bab atH-Bahai Discussion Network Haykal: Selections, Notes and Translations from the Arabic and Persian Writings of Sayyid `Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab (1819–1850 CE) by Stephen LambdenCommentary on the Surih of Joseph revealed by the Báb , provisional translation by B. Todd LawsonBrowne, Edward Granville (1987)."A Summary of the Persian Bayan" . Dalam Momen, Moojan.Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne on the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions . Oxford, UK: George Ronald.ISBN 0-85398-247-3 . Diarsipkan dariversi asli tanggal October 14, 2007. Diakses tanggalMay 3, 2012 . "The Primal Point’s Will and Testament", Sepehr Manuchehri; Research Notes in Shaykhi, Bábí and Bahá'í Studies, Vol. 7, no. 2 (September, 2004) The Gate: Dawn of the Bahá'í Faith . (2018 documentary).
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