found:Watermolen, D.J. Keys for the identification of Wisconsin's larval amphibians, 1996:summ. (two keys, one for anuran tadpoles and one for larval salamanders)
found:Merriam-Web. collegiate dict., via WWW, Dec. 11, 2000(tadpole: a larval amphibian; specifically: a frog or toad larva that has a rounded body with a long tail bordered by fins and external gills soon replaced by internal gills and that undergoes a metamorphosis to the adult)
found:The American Heritage dict. of the English language, 4th ed., via WWW, Dec. 11, 2000(tadpole: the limbless aquatic larva of a frog or toad, having gills and a long flat tail. As the tadpole approaches the adult stage, legs and lungs develop, and the tail gradually disappears. Also called polliwog)
found:OED online, Dec. 11, 2000(tadpole: 1. The larva of a frog, toad, or other batrachian, from the time it leaves the egg until it loses its gills and tail. Chiefly applied in the early stage when the animal appears to consist simply of a round head with a tail; 2. Sometimes applied to the tailed larva of a tunicate, the swimming tail of which is afterwards dropped or absorbed; 3. A local name in the U.S. of a water-fowl, the Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus, apparently from the size of its head, or from the patch of white on its crest)
found:Academic Press dict. of sci. and tech., via WWW, Dec. 11, 2000(tadpole. Vertebrate Zoology. The aquatic, fishlike larva of a frog or toad, characterized by a rounded body, a fin-covered tail, and external gills that soon become covered, after which limbs and lungs are developed and the tail and gills are lost)
found:Encarta world English dict., via WWW, Dec. 11, 2000(tadpole (plural tadpoles): frog or toad larva: the aquatic larva of a frog, toad, or salamander that has a limbless round body, gills, and a tail)