Here are entered works on persons whose occupation it is to instruct. Works on persons who are specialists in the field of education or who are authorities on educational problems, theories, and methods are entered under [Educators.]
found:Thes. of psych. index terms(Teachers UF Instructors)
found:2013002761: Shine, K. Schoolteachers in the news, 2013.
found:2009036538: Lansing, C.B. From Nazism to Communism : German schoolteachers under two dictatorships, 2010.
found:2009018339: Shen, J. School teachers : professional and demographic characteristics, 2009.
LC Classification
General Notes
Here are entered works on persons whose occupation it is to instruct. Works on persons who are specialists in the field of education or who are authorities on educational problems, theories, and methods are entered under [Educators.]