found:Ethnologue:p. 452, 455 (gives proposed variants of Li and cites Ongbe (Be) as a separate language)
found:Voegelin lang.:p. 194 (gives proposed variants of Li and cites (Ong-)Be as a separate language)
found:Ruhlen world lang.:p. 337 (cites Li and Be as separate languages)
found:Benedict. Austro-Thai language and culture, 1975:p. xx (cites Li and Ong-Be as separate languages within Kadai)
found:Ethnologue WWW site, July 20, 2015:(Hlai; language of China spoken by Li nationality of Hainan Sheng; Li is alternate name for Hlai; alternate names: Bli, Dai, Day, Dli, Klai, La, Lai, Le, Li, Loi, Slai)