found:Work cat.: Johansson, C. Folkhemmets farkoster, 2003(cykelbil [=bicyclecar])
found:LC online cat., Apr. 10, 2008(velomobiles)
found:Wikipedia, Apr. 10, 2008(velomobile or bicycle car is a human-powered vehicle; derived from recumbent bicycles and tricycles)
found:Van de Walle, F. The velomobile as a vehicle for more sustainable transportation, 2004:p. 40, etc. (first well-documented velomobile is the Velocar, produced from 1925 to 1944; in Sweden and Finland there were several DIY building plans available for cykelbilar; first commercial velomobile of the new generation emerged around 1980, the Danish Leitra), Apr. 10, 2008(velomobile)
found:Open Sources Velomobile Development Project Web site, Apr. 10, 2008.
notfound:Oxford ref. online;Ency. Brit. online;Columbia ency.;Webster's;Am. herit. dicty.;OED