found:Work cat.: 2006009453: The reemergence of emergence, 2006:ECIP galley (Emergent evolution, emergent philosophy, emergent structure)
found:Concept of emergence Web site, Mar. 22, 2006.
found:Stanford encycl. of philosophy via WWW, Mar. 22, 2006(Emergent properties. Emergence is a notorious philosphical term of art. Emergence within discussions of the behavior of complex systems ... is a layered view of nature. Emergent laws are fundamental; they are irreducible to laws characterizing properties at lower levels of complexity, even given ideal information as to boundary conditions. Emergentism)
found:Web. 3(emergence: def. 1a The appearance of an emergent or the process of emerging--compare emergent evolution. Emergent evolution: evolution conceived as characterized by the appearance at different levels of wholly new and unpredictable characters or qualities (as life and consciousness) through a rearrangement of preexistent entities--compare creative evolution.)