Japheth ben Ali, ha-Levi, 10th cent.
Japheth ben Eli, the Karaite, 10th cent.
Abu Ali al-Ḥasan ibn Ali al-Lāwī al-Baṣrī, active 10th century
Abu Ali Hassan ben Ali, Allevi, Albac̜ri, active 10th century
Abu Ali Jephet, active 10th century
Abu ʻEli Yafet ben ʻEli, Albatsri, active 10th century
Hallewi, Yeffet ibn Ali, active 10th century
Iephet ben Eli, Karaitae, active 10th century
Jephet ibn Ali, the Karaite, active 10th century
Yafet ben ʻEli, Albatsri, active 10th century
Yāfith ibn Ali, active 10th century
Yapheth Abu Aly, el Basriyi, active 10th century
Yapheth ben Heli, Bassorensis, Karaïtae, active 10th century
Yefet ben Eli, active 10th century
Yefet ibn Ali, Hallewi, active 10th century
יפת בן עלי
יפת בן עלי, הלוי
יפת בן עלי, הלוי, המאה ה-10