found:Reclus, P. La République impatiente, 1987:t.p. (Le Club des Jacobins)
found:Boursin. Dict. de la Rév. franç., 1971(Jacobins, Club des; changed its name to Société des amis de la liberté et de l'égalité)
found:Hist. dict. of the French Rev., 1789-1799, 1985(Jacobins; political club of the Fr. Rev.; began in Versailles as the Breton Club [no publs. in LC database]; when the National Assembly transferred to Paris in Oct. 1789, the club was estab. in the convent of the Jacobins on the rue Saint-Honoré, from which derives the name most commonly given to this Society of the Friends of the Constitution; club changed its name 9/22/1792 to Society of the Jacobin Friends of Liberty and Equality)
found:GDEL(cf. Jacobins, Club des; political society 1789-1799; formed in Versailles in May 1789 as Club breton [no publs. in LC database]; came to Paris with the Assemblée [nationale]; settled under the name 'Société des amis de la constitution' at the Dominican convent on the rue Saint-Honoré where it was given in ridicule by the royalists the name, 'Club des Jacobins')
found:Jones, C. The Longman companion to the French Rev., 1988:p. 181 (Paris Jacobin Club; from its emergence out of the Breton Club of 1789 [no publs. in LC database] to Sept. 1792, known as the 'Société des amis de la constitution, séante aux Jacobins à Paris'; from 21 Sept. 1792 onwards, the 'Société des Jacobins, amis de la liberté et l'égalité')
found:Journal des débats et de la correspondance de la Société des amis de la constitution, séante aux Jacobins à Paris. Correspondance, 1792-1793:nos. 108-292 (Société des Jacobins, amis de l'égalité et de la liberté, séante aux Jacobins à Paris) nos. 293-320 (Société des Jacobins, amis de la constitution de 93, séante aux Jacobins à Paris)