found:ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE (Rome) : East facade, with reliefs of Tellus & Roma, 1987.
found:Brill's new Pauly online, 30 June 2017(Tellus; Roman goddess of the Earth; equivalent of Greek "Mother Earth" (Gaea); also identified with goddess Terra Mater)
found:Oxford classical dictionary, 1993:page 1480, under Tellus (Roman earth goddess, probably very old; "Terra" describes the element earth; "Tellus" is the name of its protecting deity; Terra mater is attested from 2nd century BC)
found:Wikipedia, 30 June 2017(Tellus; Tellus Mater; Terra Mater; Mother Earth; Roman goddess of the earth; Greek counterpart = Gaia; her name among the Etruscans was Cel; other forms of name: تيرا ; Тэлус ; Тера ; טרה ; テルース ; Telo ; Теллус ; Терра ; Теллура ; Теллус ; 特鲁斯)