Pedro CamejoLabel from public data source Wikidata
Earlier Established Forms
Camejo, Pedro, -1821
Camejo, Pedro, d. 1821
found:Rojas, Aristides, Historia patria : el Negro I, 1891:p. 3, etc. (Pedro Camejo, por sobrenombre El Negro I; Venezuelan revolutionary) p. 31 (died June 24, 1821, on battlefield of Carabobo)
found:Pedro Camejo, el hombre que simbolizó a un pueblo, 2015:p. 24 (Negro Primero, 1790-1821; Comando Creativo, Cartel con reseña biográfica de Pedro Camejo)
found:Wikipedia, March 21, 2016(Pedro Camejo, better known as Negro Primero, or 'The First Black' (San Juan de Payara, Venezuela, 1790 - Campo Carabobo, Venezuela, June 24, 1821) was a Venezuelan soldier; the nickname of Negro Primero was inspired by his bravery and skill in handling spears, and because he was always in the first line of attack on the battlefield: it was also attributed to his dark skin in the army of Simon Bolívar) -