found:Steamboat Bill, Jr. [MP] 1928:intertitle (Ernest Torrence)
found:Katz, E. Film ency., c1979(Ernest Torrence; b. 6/26/1878 Edinburgh, Scotland; d. 1933; actor; older brother of David Torrence)
found:W was w on screen, 1983(Ernest Torrence; r.n. Ernest Thoyson; b. 6/16/1878 Edinburgh, Scotland; d. 5/15/1933; screen, stage actor and opera performer; brother of actor David Torrence)
found:Tol'able David, 1997:cast credits (Ernest Torrance)
found:Internet movie database, Aug. 17, 2009(Ernest Torrence; b. 26 June 1878, Edinburgh, Scotland; d. 15 May 1933, New York City; alternate name: Ernest Torrance; actor)