found:nuc88-65768: His A nightmare on Elm Street, 1984(hdg. on NN rept.: Craven, Wes; usage: Wes Craven)
found:Italia, R. The dream master, 1992:CIP t.p. (Wes Craven)
found:Wes Craven, 1999:(Wes Craven) p. 7 (Wesley Earl Craven b. 08-02-1939, Cleveland, Ohio)
found:Wikipedia, August 11, 2014(Wes Craven; Wesley Earl "Wes" Craven (born August 2, 1939); American film director, writer, producer, and actor known for his work on horror films, particularly slasher films; born Cleveland, Ohio)
found:New York times WWW site, viewed Aug. 31, 2015(Wes Craven; b. Wesley Earl Craven, Aug. 2, 1939, Cleveland; d. Sunday [Aug. 30, 2015], Los Angeles, aged 76; master of horror cinema and a proponent of the slasher genre best known for creating the Freddy Krueger and "Scream" franchises)
found:IMDb, January 14, 2019:(Wes Craven, writer, producer, director, actor ; b. August 2, 1939 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA ; d. August 30, 2015 (age 76) in Los Angeles, California, USA ; birth name: Wesley Earl Craven)
found:Comic vine site, viewed July 9, 2024:Wes Craven page (Best known as a director of horror films, he also wrote the 1982 Swamp Thing film as well as contributing to other comic books)