found:His Neotericorum aliquot medicorum, in medicinam practicam introductiones, 1533:t.p. (... Othonem Brunfelsium)
found:Theses seu communes, loci totius rei Medicae (1532):title page (Per Othonem Brunfelsium)
found:NLM 16th cent.(Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534)
found:Wikipedia, viewed on 8 February 2024(Otto Brunfels (also known as Brunsfels or Braunfels) was born in 1488 in Mainz and died on 23 November 1534 in Bern. He was a German theologian, physician, humanist and botanist. He entered monasteries in Mainz and Strasboug, served as a minister in Steinau an der Strasse and Neuenburg am Rhein, and was head of a Carmelite school in Strasbourg. He studied theology and philosophy in Mainz, and medicine in Basel. He was the city physician in Bern) -
found:Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on February 8, 2024(Otto Brunfels, physician, botanist, theologian and pharmacist; variant names (among others): Otho Brunfelsius, Otho Brunfelss, Otthonus Brunnfelss, Otho Brunnfelsz, Otho Brunfelthand, Otto Brunfelth) -