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The Library of Congress >Linked Data Service >LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

École supérieure d'électricité

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • ESE (École supérieure d'électricité)
    • Supélec (École supérieure d'électricité)
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Associated Locale

        Paris (France)
    • Associated Locale

        Gif-sur-Yvette (France)
    • Field of Activity

      (lcsh) Electrical engineering--Study and teaching (Higher)

      (lcsh) Electrical engineering--Research

      Power resources--Research

      (lcsh) Information science--Study and teaching (Higher)

      • Additional Related Forms

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

        • WikidataSupélecOffsite linkLabel from public data source Wikidata
      • Sources

        • found:LCCN 70-413974: Raynaud, T. Utilisation des calculateurs en temps partagé, 1968(usage: École supérieure d'électricité)
        • found:1894-1994, cent ans d'histoire de l'Ecole supérieure d'électricité, 1995:t.p. (École supérieure d'électricité) p. 10, etc. (ESE)
        • found:École Supérieure d'Electricité - Supélec - Gif sur Yvette (Paris), via WWW, Feb. 28, 2018(Since its founding in 1894 to meet the needs of France's emerging electric industry, Supélec has trained nearly 25,000 French and foreign engineers. Located on three campuses at Gif sur Yvette, Metz and Rennes, Supélec has become the Grande École for engineers in the fields of information sciences and energy. With a faculty of 140 permanent academic staff, more than 400 part-time associates and 90 researchers with the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the school trains each year more than 2 000 students 250 of which are 170 doctoral candidates, and 1,300 interns in continuing education. Sup With a faculty of 140 permanent academic staff, more than 400 part-time associates and 90 researchers with the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the school trains each year more than 2 000 students 250 of which are 170 doctoral candidates, and 1,300 interns in continuing education. Supêlec awards annually 460 Engineering degrees, 80 master's degrees and 50 doctorates. ... Location: Supélec is part of a network. The school awards a single diplôme but it can be earned on three different campuses, Metz, Rennes, or in the Paris area at Gif-sur-Yvette, where Supélec's headquarters is located. All three locations offer a rich scientific university life [Cataolger's note: last update to web page occurrerd on 2010-11-20]) -
        • found:Supélec in Gif-sur-Yvette, France - Sygic Travel, via WWW, Feb. 28, 2019(École supérieure d'électricité, commonly known as Supélec, was a French graduate school of engineering. It was the top grande école in France in the field of Electrical engineering, Energy and Information sciences Founded in 1894 and initially located in the 15th district of Paris, it was moved to Gif-sur-Yvette in 1975) -
        • found:CentraleSupélec WWW home page, Feb. 28, 2019(CentraleSupélec is an internationally-reputed Higher Education and Research Institution. Its excellence lies in its combination of fundamental and applied sciences for innovation with societal impact. For almost two centuries, CentraleSupélec'' top engineers have been practicing their skills and knowledge for the development of corporate institutions and public organizations) menu/school/about/history (Collaboration between École Centrale Paris and Supélec, initially limited to the joint competitive entrance exam, has steadily expanded over the years to cover many fields of teaching and research and led to the creation of CentraleSupélec on January 1, 2015) -
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1984-08-02:new
        • 2019-03-13:revised
      • Alternate Formats

      • Subject Of Works
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