found:Castro, L. Advanced programmer's guide, c1985:t.p. (Tom Rettig)
found:Omnibus. II, vol. 17 [MP] 1954:credits (cast, Tommy Rettig)
found:Halliwell's Filmgoer's comp., 1980(Tommy Rettig; b. 1941; child actor)
found:New York times, 2/19/96(Tommy Rettig; b. Thomas Noel Rettig; d. 2/15/96 in Marina del Rey at age 54; child stage and film actor, author of computer books and owner of computer software company)
found:IMDb, April 20, 2017(Tommy Rettig (1941-1996); actor; born Thomas Noel Retting on 10 December 1941 in Queens, New York; died 15 February 1996 in Marina del Rey, California; Tommy was a successful child actor in 1954 when he was chosen out of a field of 500 to play Jeff Miller in the TV series Lassie (1954); he was with the show for four years; in the early 1980s, having tried selling tools and managing a health club, he founded an est-like motivation program; but it wasn't until he sat down at a computer to compile a mailing list that he finally found himself; at Ashton-Tate, Tom was one of the designers of dBASE III and wrote the essential reference book on it; he built the first add-on library for Clipper, pioneering the public domain tools that make all our jobs easier; Tom wrote articles for Data Based Advisor, appeared on FoxPro Advisor satellite TV conferences, and spoke at many developer events including the FoxPro DevCons. Tom Rettig's Help and Tom Rettig's FoxPro Handbook taught the intricacies of FoxPro)