found:Briefe und Aufsätze über Landschaftsmalerei, 1982:title page (Carl Gustav Carus) page 183, etc. (born 1789; died 1869; physician, scientist, author)
found:LC data base, November 6, 1989(access point: Carus, Carl Gustav, 1789-1869; Carus, Karl Gustav, 1789-1869; usage: Carl Gustav Carus; variant: C.G. Carus; K.G. Carus)
found:German Wikipedia, viewed November 15, 2023(Carl Gustav Carus; Karl Gustav Carus; born January 3, 1789, in Leipzig; died July 28, 1869, in Dresden; German gynecologist, anatomist, and pathologist; he was also a painter and a philosopher; he served as physician to the royal court of Saxony; he was a friend of Caspar David Friedrich, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, and Ludwig Tieck)
found:Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed November 15, 2023(authorized access point: Carus, Carl Gustav; other data in authority record: German physician, natural scientist, painter, philosopher; born 1789 in Leipzig; died 1869 in Dresden)