found:Brassinne, J. Les institutions de la Flandre ... 1981:t.p. (Région wallonne) p. 8, etc. (consists of provinces of Hainaut, Liège, Luxembourg, Namur, and the area of Nivelles in Brabant; estab. under art. 107 quater of Belgian Constitution and organized by Law of Aug. 8, 1980)
found:Dix ans de régionalisation en Europe, c1982:p. 25, etc. (Wallonie)
found:Govaert, S. Le Vlaams Economisch Verbond (V.E.V.) ... 1983:p. 14, etc. (Wallonie)
found:BGN, 2-15-84(Wallonia (conventional), Wallonie (French), region, 50°16ʹN, 4°55ʹE)
found:LC data base, 3-19-84(subj. hdg.: Wallonia, Belgium)
found:Fitzmaurice, J. The politics of Belgium, 1983:p. 131 (these Executives were initially "inside" the national govt., but left it at the first election after the entry into force of the Special Law. This occurred ... in Nov. 1981)
found:GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009(adm1; 50°30ʹ00ʺN 004°45ʹ00ʺE)