found:Amtrak blues [SR] p1980 (a.e.)labels (Alberta Hunter) container (was 66 in 1961; now nearly 85; b. ca. 1895)
found:Taylor, F.C. Alberta Hunter, c1986:CIP t.p. (Alberta Hunter) galley (d. 1984)
found:Men are like street cars-- [SR] p1999:container (Alberta Hunter) insert (b. Apr. 1, 1895 in Memphis, Tenn.; d. Oct. 18, 1984)
found:Hunter, A. Young Alberta Hunter [SR] p1996:container (Alberta Hunter; also recorded under the pseudonym of Josephine Beatty)
found:New Grove dict. of jazz, 2nd ed.(under Alix, May (i): pseudonym of Alberta Hunter)
found:Wikipedia, Mar. 25, 2016(Alberta Hunter; b. Apr. 1, 1895 in Memphis, Tenn.; d. Oct. 17, 1984 on Roosevelt Island, N.Y.; African-American jazz singer and songwriter who had a successful career from early 1920s to the late 1950s; then decided to stop performing to work as a nurse; after 20 years of working as a nurse, in 1977 Hunter made a successful comeback and resumed her singing career)