found:BGN decision, 5/25/79 (conventional form: Mogadishu)
found:BGN ltr. 3/8/79 (variants: Magadiscio, Xamar, Muqdishow, Maqdishu, Mogadiisho)
found:Mahamed Farah Ahmed Good. The role of primary school ... 1982:t.p. (Mogadisho [in title])
found:Statistika (Somalia. Wakaaladda Mooska Ummadda). Statistika, 1974:t.p. (Mogadishu, Muqdisho)
found:Statistica del commercio con l'estero (Mogadishu, Somalia). Statistica del commercio con l'estero, Anno 1952:cover (Mogadiscio; Amministrazione fiduciaria italiana della Somalia)
found:Its Dawladda Hoosee Xamar ... 1979:cover (Dowladda Hoose Xamar)
found:New era (Mogadishu, Somalia : 1977). New era, Jan.-Mar. 1977:p. 1 (Mugadishu)
found:GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009(ppl; 02°04ʹ00ʺN 045°22ʹ00ʺE)
found:The world factbook, via WWW, September 11, 2015(under Somalia: capital: Mogadishu; geographic coordinates: 2 04 N, 45 20 E)
found:Wikipedia, September 11, 2015(Mogadishu (Somali: Muqdisho; Arabic: مقديشو = Muqadīshū; Maqadīshū [in roman]), known locally as Xamar (English: Hamar), is the largest and capital city of Somalia; 02°02ʹN 45°21ʹE)