found:The Squatter problem ... 1977 (a.e.)t.p. (George Ellis; prof. of applied math., U. of Cape Town)
found:SA 78-Jan/Mar(Ellis, George Francis Rayner)
found:Dewar, D. Low income housing policy in South Africa, 1979:t.p. (George Ellis) p. vii (G. Ellis)
found:His Flat and curved space-times, 1988:CIP t.p. (George F.R. Ellis, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Cape Town)
found:Hawking, S.W. The large scale structure of space-time, 1973:t.p. (G.F.R. Ellis)
found:His Before the beginning, 1993:CIP t.p. (George F.R. Ellis) data sheet (b. 11-8-39)
found:Relativistic cosmology, 2012:ECIP t.p. (George Ellis; University of Cape Town)
found:Substance use and abuse in South Africa, 2012:title page (George F.R. Ellis) page ix (Emeritus Professor of Applied Mathematics and Honorary Research Associate in the Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town)