found:Author's Natalie, 1932.
found:LC data base 3/26/85(hdg.: Terni-Cialente, Fausta; usage: Fausta Cialente)
found:Fausta Cialente scrittrice europea, c2012:p. 5 (b. 1898 in Cagliari, Italy) p. 16 (d. 1994 in London, England)
found:Information from 678 converted 31 Dec. 2020b. 1900
found:Parsani, M. Femminile a confronto, 1984:p. 143 (Fausta Cialente; b. in Cagliari in 1898; in 1921 married composer Enrico Terni and moved to Egypt, where she lived for 26 years; participated in Italian-language radio broadcasts during WWII in Cairo and the Orient; list of principal works, all in Italian, from 1930 through 1976), 31 Dec. 2020preferred forms (Cialente, Fausta, 1898-1994; Cialente, Fausta, Italian novelist and journalist) alternate forms (Terni-Cialente, Fausta, 1898-1994; Terni Cialente, Fausta, 1898-1994), 31 Dec. 2020(Fausta Cialente; b. 25 Feb. 1898 in Cagliari; d. 12 Mar. 1994 in Pangbourne; Italian writer, journalist, and translator)