found:The River of Doubt. [No. 2], 1928?:(George K. Cherrie; appearing)
found:The Theodore Roosevelt Association film collection...catalog, 1986:p. 22 (George K. Cherrie; ornithologist; member of River of Doubt expedition)
found:Wikipedia WWW site, viewed January 9, 2017(George Kruck Cherrie; born, August 22, 1865; died, January 20, 1946; an American naturalist and explorer; took part in about forty expeditions, mostly to Central and South America, including Theodore Roosevelt's South American Expedition of 1913-1914, when Cherrie was collecting specimens for the American Museum of Natural History)
found:Wikitree WWW site, viewed January 9, 2017(George Kruck Cherrie; born August 22, 1865 in Knoxville, Iowa; died January 20,1948 in Newfane, Vermont)
found:Louisiana State University WWW site, viewed January 9, 2017AVES online exhibit, biographies (George K. Cherrie, 1865-1942; taxidermist and ornithologist of the Costa Rica National Museum; assistant curator of birds at the Field Museum in Chicago; on staff at the Brooklyn Museum and the American Museum of Natural History in New York)