Museums and Collections

Some of the best museums in the country are located on the Berkeley campus and are facilities in which faculty and students of Integrative Biology are able to conduct research.

Essig Museum of Entomology

The Museum is among the 15 largest entomological research collections in the United States with an estimated 4.5 million specimens of insects and other terrestrial arthropods. Research facilities include work areas with microscopes for visiting scientists, computer stations with internet capabilities, and an extensive reference library.


The Museum of Paleontology (UCMP)

UCMP is located at 1101 Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB). It contains one of the largest collections of fossil organisms in the nation, and is a center for paleobiological studies.


The University and Jepson Herbaria

The Herbaria (1001 VLSB) house large reference/research collections and associated modern lab facilities. The University Herbarium collection encompasses all parts of the plant kingdom on a worldwide basis. The Jepson Herbarium collection specializes in the California vascular flora.


The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ)

MVZ is a research institute and repository for specimens and information relating to "higher" vertebrate animals. It has a large collection of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. It houses a number of faculty, postdocs and graduate students. It is located at 3101 VLSB.


UC Botanical Garden

The Garden is located in Strawberry Canyon at 200 Centennial Drive. A world-wide collection of over 13,000 plant taxa of known wild origin make it one of the largest plant collections in the United States.

Research facilities include the existing plantings, limited greenhouse and lath house space, and a separately fenced growing area for in-ground or raised-bed experiments. In addition, the Garden participates in an international seed exchange program and may be able to provide taxa unavailable from typical sources.

Access to the Garden is quick and easy by campus shuttle or by car.


Berkeley Natural History Museums Consortium

The BNHM consortium is comprised of six member museums and eight field stations. Many IB faculty and students are affiliated with the BNHMmembers.

The consortium was formed to collaborate on a number of different projects, including education and outreach, and targeted research projects. IB students have been active participants in the outreach project, Exploring California Biodiversity.

For more information, visit BNHM.