Information molecular ha essite usate de redefinir iste gruppo in modernetaxonomia como diverse e saepe distantemente cognatephylos. Le gruppo de protistos es nunc considerate de significar diverse phylos que non es proximemente cognate per evolution e ha differentecyclos vital, nivellostrophic,modos de locomotion, e structuras cellular.[2][3] Ultra su relativemente simple nivellos de organisation, le protistos non ha multo in commun.[4] Istes es unicellular, o istes esmulticellular sintexitas specialisate, e iste simple organisation cellular distingue le protistos ab altere eucaryotes, tal comofungos,animales eplantas.
Le terminoprotisto esseva prime usate perErnst Haeckel in 1866. Protistos esseva traditionalmente subdividite a in plure gruppos basate sur similaritates al regnos plus alte: le unicellular "animaloide"protozoones, le "plantoide"protophytos (in le major parte unicellularalgas) e le "fungoide"mucores limose emucores aquatic. Istes subdivisiones traditional, basate grandemente sur communalitates superficial, ha essite reimplaciate perclassificationes basate surphylogenetica (cognatessaevolutionari intra organismos). Tamen, plus ancian terminos es usate ancora como nomines nonformal de describer lemorphologia eecologia de protistos varie.
↑Taylor, F.J.R.M. (2003-11-01). "The collapse of the two-kingdom system, the rise of protistology and the founding of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP)".International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology53 (6): 1707–1714. Microbiology Society.doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02587-0.ISSN1466-5026.PMID 14657097.
↑A. El Albani, K.O. Konhauser, A. Somogyi, J. Ngwalghoubou Ikouanga, A. Lamboux, J. Blichert-Toft, E. Chi-Fru, C. Fontaine, A. Mazurier, A. Riboulleau, A.-C. Pierson-Wickmann, F. Albarède, "A search for life in Palaeoproterozoic marine sediments using Zn isotopes and geochemistry", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volume 612 (2023)DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118169
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