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Johnny Cash

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Johnny Cash
Nascentia1932-02-26 (Kingsland)
Decesso2003-09-12 (Nashville)
Causa de decessoDiabete
Loco de reposoHendersonville Memory Gardens[*]
CitataniaStatos Unite de America
Obras notabileAt Folsom Prison[*],Folsom Prison Blues[*],I Walk the Line[*],Ring of Fire[*]
Partito politicindependent politician[*]
ConjugeVivian Liberto[*],June Carter Cash[*]
InfantesRosanne Cash[*],John Carter Cash[*],Kathy Cash[*],Cindy Cash[*],Tara Cash[*]
ParentesmatreCarrie Cloveree Rivers[*] patreRay Cash[*]
Fratres/sororesReba Hancock[*],Joanne Cash[*],Louise Cash[*],Tommy Cash[*],Roy Cash[*],Jack Cash[*]
Premiosالميدالية الوطنية للفنون[*],Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award[*],Grammy Legend Award[*],Rock and Roll Hall of Fame[*],Library of Congress Living Legend[*],Horatio Alger Award[*],Kennedy Center Honors[*],Americana Award for Artist of the Year[*],"Spirit of Americana" Free Speech Award[*],star on Hollywood Walk of Fame[*],Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award[*]
CommonsJohnny Cash

Johnny Cash (nasciteJ. R. Cash, 26 februario 1932 – 12 septembre 2003) esseva un cantator, musico,autor-compositor et actor statounitese. Un figura importante delmusica country, su musica cruciate inrock,blues,folk egospel.

Cash esseva recognoscite pro su voce grave distinctive, le sono de su banda, leTennessee Three, lor rhythmos e su vestimentos nigre; ille esseva supernominate le "Man in Black" (le homine in nigre). Ille introduceva un energia rebelle al musica country, esseva associate con le subgenere "Outlaw" (proscripto) e sonava concertos gratis in prisiones. Posteriormente ille cultivava un imagine melancholic e humile. Su parolas de canto adressar sovente themas de meloncholia, tribulationes, amor, redemption efide christian. Ille semper comenciava su concertos con le parolas "Bon die, io es Johnny Cash" ("Hello, I'm Johnny Cash"), que esseva sequite per le cantoFolsom Prison Blues.

Nascite inArkansas a un familia povre de fermeros, Cash deveniva famose in le scena del musica country inMemphis,Tennessee le annos 1950. Su period plus succedite esseva le annos 1950 e 1960. Su cantos plus famose includeFolsom Prison Blues,I Walk the Line,Ring of Fire,Get Rhythm eMan in Black. Ille etiam registrava le cantos humoroseOne Piece at a Time eA Boy Named Sue, le cantos re trainosHey, Porter eRock Island Line, e duos con su sposaJune Carter, specialmenteJackson que esseva registrate ante lor maritage. Tarde in su carriera, Cash registrava cantos de musicos ulterior, specialmenteHurt deNine Inch Nails eRusty Cage deSoundgarden. Post su morte, su vita esseva depingite in le filmWalk the Line.

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