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Screencast thumbnail

Screencast of v4.1

This video (5 min) shows the basic features of i3:

  • Layouts, Focus, Moving, Workspaces
  • dmenu, Floating Windows, Resizing

Watch it on YouTube ordownload it (18 MB).

containers and tree data structure thumbnail

Screencast: Containers and tree data structure

Explains how i3 works internally so that you can fully understand what's going on. I expect you to have watched the screencast on v4.1 already.

Watch it on YouTube
tech talk thumbnail

Google Tech Talk about i3

This video (1 hour) is an introduction to i3, explaining our motivation, a bit of history, some cool features and how we develop.

Watch it on YouTube
screen cast series thumbnail

Series of screencasts on installing, using and configuring i3

This three-part series of screencasts created by Alex Booker illustrates what i3 is, how to use it, how to configure it, and how to customize its appearance. (1 hour, 40 minutes)

Watch it on YouTube


To get a quick impression of i3, have a look at these screenshots.

Vimperator, VIM, MPlayer, dzen2
Vimperator, VIM, MPlayer, dzen2
Vimperator, VIM, xpdf, bc
Vimperator, VIM, xpdf, bc
PCManFM, ROXTerm, evince
PCManFM, ROXTerm, evince
i3 logo out of terminals
i3 logo out of terminals
VIM, zsh, i3status (FreeBSD)
VIM, zsh, i3status (FreeBSD)
GIMP, urxvt (both floating)
GIMP, urxvt (both floating)
mc, xosview, MPlayer, irssi, gajim
mc, xosview, MPlayer, irssi, gajim
git, synergy, htop, urxvt
git, synergy, htop, urxvt
VIM, git, MPlayer, i3bar
VIM, git, MPlayer, i3bar
Right-to-left titles
Right-to-left titles
dzen2, VIM, bash, top
dzen2, VIM, bash, top
i3pystatus, mpd, watson time tracker, nerd fonts
i3pystatus, mpd, watson time tracker, nerd fonts
sublime text editor, btop, i3bar
sublime text editor, btop, i3bar
polybar, mpd, code-server, custom ufetch, htop
polybar, mpd, code-server, custom ufetch, htop
i3-2.pngVIM, MPlayer

