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Hugo PWA Module

HugoMods AuthorsMarch 24, 20237 min readModulePWADocsService WorkerOffline

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Hugo PWA Module

PWAs (Progressive web apps) are web apps developed using a number of specific technologies and standard patterns to allow them to take advantage of both web and native app features. The PWA module includes preliminary support for Hugo sites, see thefeatures below.
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  • Offline available: offline page and offline image.
  • Installable: can be added to home screen.
  • Precaching: allow precaching pages, CSS, JS, fonts and so on.
  • Cache Strategies1: supports cache first, network first and stale while revalidate.

You may still be a bit confused about the features, the following video will show what the module can bring to your sites. You can also give it a shot on ourwebsite or thedemo site.


This section is for theme developers to integrate this module with their themes.

There is ademo site and it’ssource code to help you get started.

1. Import the Module






2. Import the Meta Partial

The meta partial generate the manifest meta tag to tell browser the location ofweb app manifest.


3. Precache CSS and JS

1{{$css:=resources.Get"main.css"}}2<linkhref="{{$css.RelPermalink}}"rel="stylesheet"/>3{{/* THIS OPERATION CANNOT BE BE CACHED BY partialCached. */}}4{{partial"pwa/functions/precache"(dict"URL"$css.RelPermalink"Page".)}}
1{{$js:=resources.Get"main.js"}}2<scriptsrc="{{$js.RelPermalink}}"></script>3{{/* THIS OPERATION CANNOT BE BE CACHED BY partialCached. */}}4{{partial"pwa/functions/precache"(dict"URL"$js.RelPermalink"Page".)}}

As the comments said,pwa/functions/precache cannot be cached, since Hugo renders pages concurrently.

    sequenceDiagram    participant P1 as Page1    participant H as Hugo    participant P2 as Page2    P1->>H: Precache CSS.    H-->>P1: Done!    P2->>H: Precache CSS.    H-->>P2: Cache found, ignored!    P2->>H: Precache JS.    H-->>P2: Done!    P1->>H: Precache JS.    H-)P1: Cache found, ignored!

The example above shows the case of caching thepwa/functions/precache operations.So far, thePage1 precaches the CSS, while thePage2 precaches the JS, in either case, the service worker not aware of all the resources that need to be precached.

4. Import the Service Worker Partial

Finally, import thepwa/assets/sw partial to generate service worker script.

Please note that this partial should be invoked after precaching assets, such as JS and CSS on step 3. The best practice is that put it before end of the<body>.

It’s recommended to usepartialCached to cache the partial for getting better build performance.

5. Custom the Offline Page

This module provides a built-in offline page with inline style, you can change it by creating thelayouts/_default/index.offline.html file.


This section is for theme users to set up the PWA.

Site Configuration

Append theOffline andWebAppManifest format into theoutputs.home, to generate the offline page andweb app manifest.






 1{ 2"outputs":{ 3"home":[ 4"HTML", 5"RSS", 6"Offline", 7"WebAppManifest" 8] 9}10}

Site Parameters

debugbooleanfalse-Whether to enable the debug mode.
icon_pathstringimages/pwa/icon.png-The icon image relative to theassets folder, which used to generate icons in multiple sizes.
icon_sizesarray[48, 64, 128, 144, 256, 512]-The target sizes of icons.
offline_imagestringimages/pwa/offline.png-The offline image relative to theassets folder, which will be shown when request an image offline.
precachesarray[]-Custom precache files.
precaches.urlstring--The URL of precache file.
cachesobject--Cache settings.
caches.fontobject--Font cache settings.
caches.font.originsarray[]-Trusted origins2.
caches.font.strategystringcache-first-Font cache strategy1.
caches.font.max_agestring2592000-Font cache max age in second.
caches.imageobject--Image cache settings.
caches.image.originsarray[]-Trusted origins2.
caches.image.strategystringcache-first-Image cache strategy1.
caches.image.max_agestring2592000-Image cache max age in second.
caches.scriptobject--Script cache settings.
caches.script.originsarray[]-Trusted origins2.
caches.script.strategystringcache-first-Script cache strategy1.
caches.script.max_agestring2592000-Script cache max age in second.
caches.styleobject--Style cache settings.[]-Trusted origins2. cache strategy1. cache max age in second.
manifestobject--Manifest settings, such astheme_color,background_color.

This module doesn’t provide the built-in icon and offline images, you’ll need to save your icon and offline images to corresponding path.


 1params: 2pwa: 3caches: 4font: 5max_age:2592000 6origins:[] 7strategy:cache-first 8image: 9max_age:259200010origins:[]11strategy:cache-first12script:13max_age:259200014origins:[]15strategy:cache-first16style:17max_age:259200018origins:[]19strategy:cache-first20debug:false21icon_path:images/pwa/icon.png22icon_sizes:23-4824-6425-12826-14427-25628-51229manifest:30background_color:'#ff4088'31theme_color:'#ff4088'32offline_image:images/pwa/offline.png33precaches:34-url:/35-url:foo.png


 1[params] 2[params.pwa] 3debug=false 4icon_path='images/pwa/icon.png' 5icon_sizes=[48,64,128,144,256,512] 6offline_image='images/pwa/offline.png' 7[params.pwa.caches] 8[params.pwa.caches.font] 9max_age=259200010origins=[]11strategy='cache-first'12[params.pwa.caches.image]13max_age=259200014origins=[]15strategy='cache-first'16[params.pwa.caches.script]17max_age=259200018origins=[]19strategy='cache-first'20[]21max_age=259200022origins=[]23strategy='cache-first'24[params.pwa.manifest]25background_color='#ff4088'26theme_color='#ff4088'27[[params.pwa.precaches]]28url='/'29[[params.pwa.precaches]]30url='foo.png'


 1{ 2"params":{ 3"pwa":{ 4"caches":{ 5"font":{ 6"max_age":2592000, 7"origins":[], 8"strategy":"cache-first" 9},10"image":{11"max_age":2592000,12"origins":[],13"strategy":"cache-first"14},15"script":{16"max_age":2592000,17"origins":[],18"strategy":"cache-first"19},20"style":{21"max_age":2592000,22"origins":[],23"strategy":"cache-first"24}25},26"debug":false,27"icon_path":"images/pwa/icon.png",28"icon_sizes":[2948,3064,31128,32144,33256,3451235],36"manifest":{37"background_color":"#ff4088",38"theme_color":"#ff4088"39},40"offline_image":"images/pwa/offline.png",41"precaches":[42{43"url":"/"44},45{46"url":"foo.png"47}48]49}50}51}

Best Practice

The default parameters is best for production, but will be bad for development, because you may see a cached, out-of-date page and have to clear the cache or do a force refresh.

But don’t worry, we can fix it by changing the default cache strategies1 for development environment.


 1params: 2pwa: 3caches: 4font: 5strategy:network-first 6image: 7strategy:network-first 8script: 9strategy:network-first10style:11strategy:network-first


 1[params] 2[params.pwa] 3[params.pwa.caches] 4[params.pwa.caches.font] 5strategy='network-first' 6[params.pwa.caches.image] 7strategy='network-first' 8[params.pwa.caches.script] 9strategy='network-first'10[]11strategy='network-first'


 1{ 2"params":{ 3"pwa":{ 4"caches":{ 5"font":{ 6"strategy":"network-first" 7}, 8"image":{ 9"strategy":"network-first"10},11"script":{12"strategy":"network-first"13},14"style":{15"strategy":"network-first"16}17}18}19}20}

  1. Available strategies:cache-first,network-first andstale-while-revalidate↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Only trusted third-party origin resources will be cached, such as,↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

