We’re excited to announce one more pre-Teams release, introducing data export/import, support for path parameters, and other improvements. Check out what all is new in HTTPie for Web & Desktop2025.2.0 👇
🔖 Summary
- 📤Export/Import — Backup, share, or publish your data as JSON.
- 🗂️Export a whole space — Transfer entire workspaces with all content.
- 🔒Export private items — Include drafts and local environments in exports.
- 📂Collection export — Share and back up request collections.
- 🛫Request export — Export with optional auth and variable embedding.
- 🌍Environment export — Share variables across teams and projects.
- 📋Clipboard export/import — Quick sharing without saving files.
- 🔍Export/import customization — Selectively include only what you need.
- 📥Import options — Choose between creating or updating spaces.
- 🛠️Export JSON format — Schema and TypeScript type support.
- 📋Copy as command — Instantly generate CLI commands from requests.
- 🔗Path parameters — Parametrize URLs with
syntax. - ✨Other enhancements — Fixed Postman import, etc.
📤 Export and import
The export and import system has been dramatically expanded to allow data backups, simple sharing, and publishing. Among other improvements, you can now export/import spaces, environments, collections, and individual requests as JSON.
🗂️ Exporting a whole space
Invoke “Export…” from a space context menu, optionally customize the selection, and save the data as a JSON file or copy it to the clipboard. Et voilà!
You can open a space’s context by right-clicking its name in the sidebar or the space tab title. You can also use the three-dot menu inside the space tab.
🔒 Exporting private items
Drafts and local-only environments are not included in space exports by default. That’s because they are always private, so their inclusion in a space export requires an explicit opt-in. If you want to include them, check the “Show private items” option to reveal them in the space export dialog so you can manually add them.
📂 Exporting a collection
Just as when exporting a workspace, simply right-click any collection, select “Export…”, optionally customize, save or copy, and you’re done.
🛫 Exporting a request
When exporting a request that uses inherited authentication, you'll see an option to embed the authentication in the exported request. Similarly, if the request references variables, you may substitute them by embedding their values.
You can also export individual requests as code snippets in many languages using the Preview panel. The available languages include even the “HTTPie Desktop” format, which, when selected, gives you a real-time preview of how a request is serialized as JSON. You may find it handy when developing a tool that is interoperable with HTTPie through the JSON format.
The JSON format represents requests as full documents (whether exported individually or as part of a space/collection export). For example, if you’ve specified a JSON body and switched to a form body, the exported data will contain the inactive JSON body (unless you delete it). Treating the data as adocument instead ofcode also means that the request doesn’t need to be valid to be exportable in this format, unlike the others.
🌍 Exporting an environment
Use the three-dot menu to export individual environments:
📋 Export/import through clipboard
Sometimes, copying and pasting text is more efficient than dealing with files. Each export dialog offers a “Copy as JSON” action through the copy icon left to the save button.Switch to the “Text” tab inside the import dialog when importing from the clipboard.
This way, you can easily copy/paste simple exports such as JSON from/to Slack instead of downloading and sending files. The text mode import also works for all other import sources, from Postman to cURL.
🔍 Inspect and customize an export or import
When exporting or importing a space, collection, or an environment, you can now browse the object hierarchy using the expander buttons to review what is included. For spaces and collections, you can additionally customize the selection. This allows you to export or import a space, for example, while excluding specific collections/requests/environments by unchecking them.
📥 Import into a new space or an existing one
You can choose whether to import into a new space or use an existing one. This applies to all import types. Additionally, when importing a whole space into an existing one, you can update some or all of the existing space’s metadata with the ones included in the export (name, icon, and color).
🛠️ Export JSON format
The format is versioned and comes with a JSON schema and TypeScript types. It’s meant as a robust solution for backup, simple sharing, interoperability across tools and platforms, and publishing. You can find the schema and types on GitHub:https://github.com/httpie/schema
📋 Copy as command
You can now quickly copy requests as cURL and HTTPie CLI commands and access all code snippet options straight from a request context menu.
🔗 Path parameters
HTTPie now supports path parameters, allowing you to parametrize URL path segments. To introduce a path parameter, use the/:param
syntax inside the URL. The “Params” request tab then splits into two sections, one for query params and the other for path params, which is already showing the newly added one.
Rename params directly from the URL or in the “Path params” table. Remove it from the URL to get rid of it. As with variables, you can escape path params with a backslash.
✨ Other enhancements
- Fixed a Postman collection import bug by implementing a workaround for multiple format variants using the same version identifier.
💅 One last thing…
You can now access the current app version through the help menu. Clicking it copies the version identifier to the clipboard.
🤩 Happy API testing, and see you again soon!
- ✉️ Thoughts? Questions? Please shoot us an email at[email protected].
- 📋 You can also help us improve by completing aquick survey.
- 👉 Follow@httpie and join ourDiscord community to stay up to date.