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Apache HTTP Server Support

There are several places to obtain support for Apache httpd. They arepresented here in the order in which you should probably consult them.

The documentation is the definitivesource for information about the Apache httpd. The answers to your questionsare probably there.

TheApache HTTP Server Users List , or the Usenetgroups listed on that same page, are great places to ask questions when youare willing to wait a few hours, or possibly a few days, for an answer.These lists are frequented by people intimately familiar with the Apachehttpd, who are willing to address your questions. You are stronglyencouraged to consult thearchives prior toasking a question.

The#httpd channel on IRC network is agood place for quick questions. If your questions require a more in-depthanswer, you will likely be encouraged to move the question to the mailinglist.

If you think that you have found a bug in the software, or if you have afeature request, you can report these via thebug reportpage.

Commercial support for Apache httpd is available from a number ofthird-party companies. We do not maintain a list of these companies,however, and we encourage you to use your favorite search engine to findone.

Copyright © 1997-2025 The Apache Software Foundation.
Apache HTTP Server, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

