is a set of tools for working with IP addresses. The aim is to provide functionality not presently available with any existing R package and to do so with as much speed as possible. To that end, many of the operations are written inRcpp
and require installation of theAsioHeaders
package. A current, lofty goal is to mimic most of the functionality of the Pythoniptools
module and make IP addresses first class R objects.
Availableon CRAN
Thanks to @eddelbuettel we’ve thinned down this version ofiptools
and it should also work on Windows now!
The package primarily supports IPv4 addresses due to deficiencies in R’s support for large numbers, but there is IPv6 support for some functionality, and we plan to build more in as R improves and as we do. Functionality includes:
, and;For more information, see the vignettes onthe functionality andthe datasets withiniptools
To install the development version:
devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/iptools")# orinstall.packages("iptools")
depends on theAsioHeaders package which is now in CRAN.
library(iptools)library(testthat)date()#> [1] "Fri Apr 29 15:02:00 2016"test_dir("tests/")#> testthat results ===========================================================#> OK: 75 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 0#>#> DONE ======================================================================
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