The translation project for Tuner currently contains291 strings for translation. It is being translated into11 languages. Overall, these translations are80.9% complete. If you would like to contribute to translation of Tuner, you need to register on this server. Once you have activated your account, proceed to the translation section.
Shortcut | Action |
? | Open available keyboard shortcuts. |
Alt +Home | Navigate to the first translation in the current search. |
Alt +End | Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt +PageUp or Ctrl +↑ or Alt +↑ or Cmd +↑ or | Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt +PageDown or Ctrl +↓ or Alt +↓ or Cmd +↓ or | Navigate to the next translation in the current search. |
Ctrl +Enter or Cmd +Enter | Submit current form; this works the same as pressing Save and continue while editing translation. |
Ctrl +Shift +Enter or Cmd +Shift +Enter | Unmark translation as Needing edit and submit it. |
Alt +Enter or Option +Enter | Submit the string as a suggestion; this works the same as pressing Suggest while editing translation. |
Ctrl +E or Cmd +E | Focus on translation editor. |
Ctrl +U or Cmd +U | Focus on comment editor. |
Ctrl +M or Cmd +M | Shows Automatic suggestions tab. |
Ctrl +1 toCtrl +9 or Cmd +1 toCmd +9 | Copies placeable of a given number from source string. |
Ctrl +M followed by1 to9 or Cmd +M followed by1 to9 | Copy the machine translation of a given number to current translation. |
Ctrl +I followed by1 to9 or Cmd +I followed by1 to9 | Ignore one item in the list of failing checks. |
Ctrl +J or Cmd +J | Shows the Nearby strings tab. |
Ctrl +S or Cmd +S | Focus on search field. |
Ctrl +O or Cmd +O | Copy the source string. |
Ctrl +Y or Cmd +Y | Toggle the Needs editing checkbox. |
→ | Browse the next translation string. |
← | Browse the previous translation string. |