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Hellooo! Not sure if you'll see this but I love your game! So far I've only really played the Violet Dom path (with Cafe Corruption) but am going to explore the other paths too! The sex scenes are great, the dialogue is great and it's really fun given that the main goal is just to get through school. That being said I think there's some feedback I have to make the game better 😅:
Well that's the end of my long long feedback lol. Regardless I think I should end with some more praise: The dreams are really really well made. I would've appreciated renders for those too but the bg you have on suggests that it's not happening which is fine! Cause they get me aroused wither way :). The sex scene themselves are really good too and dialogue in general is superb. And IMO theses changes just enhance an already great game!
If you do read this have a FANTASTIC day!!!
PS: I'm on Mac and I have also seen the misaligned sandal on the flirt outfit like NetherBone mentioned.
The Walk Around side events are not our priority at the moment since we're currently working to finish up artwork and writing for the post-routelock content for Bakery and Kate.
Updated nude sprites are coming as we begin work on their post-routelock content alongside a suite of larger expressions.
As for the CG Scenes being default clothes: There are nearly 200 CG Scenes in the game with often times more than 1 variant/angle to the scene. Adding a new outfit variant would multiply the amount of work that goes into the creation of CG Scenes exponentially slowing down progress on new scenes.
Your contacts will update with the contacts phone number if there is any phone content with them. If not then they will not appear in the phone contact.
The choices made during the Cafe date do have an effect on which route you go down with Violet. While the final choice does ask which you'd prefer it doesn't seal the deal on either route.
Backgrounds are begin worked on for the post-routelock content at the moment. You will see new backgrounds in the future
The living room is planned to be used for event triggers after certain conditions have been met.
Thank you for taking the time to write up all this feedback, it's been a very long time since I've seen constructive feedback for the game, and two no less, it's highly appreciated.
I hope we manage to deliver on the expectations you have for the game as we continue working on it.
Thank you for your response! And I'm always happy to provide helpful feedback.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my feedback and explain your perspective to me! It's great when creators take time to look at and respond to feedback. You've made a great game so far and I only expect it to improve from here on out...
**Edit: Was reading some comments and saw a post abt the friend at the start... Did you make a decision on that yet?
A few nice things to have (Android):
Due to the massive amount of extra scenes, dialogs, and new systems that would need to be made to have reactions based on outfits, they're only cosmetic. This is something we've thought about a long time ago, but isn't something we can handle given our size.
The android version is a straight port from the PC and will be issues given the different resolutions and aspect ratios. It's not a priority for us right now since there are a few things I want to add for the android version. I'll see about getting the options screen fixed at least for the next version. It's been the biggest issue on Android other than the other misalignments.
The beach scenes does account for actions taken when walking around previously, but doesn't cover every single lewd instance you could have had before then.
The misaligned feet is a good catch though, thank you. We just found a similar issue with one of our bakery outfits recently.
Apologies if this posts as a terribly formatted mess, Itch.io seems to have rolled out an update that completely bricks the line break.
First of all, ty for the answers, and the firmat is understandable enough.
Outfit/room reactions: Yeah, the overhead is a fair point. I’d hope to at least get a 1 sentence comment when inviting somebody to your room for the first time, e.g. I can imagine Violet saying the room is “too plain” if default or cheap, or “ok I guess”, or “I guess it suits you” (e.g. you are in the Track club and the room is sporty). But it would just be a nice thing to have if you guys ever have extra time, so don’t sweat it! 😉Edit: Also, other games I played usually mention (within the game) that outfits are purely cosmetic and have no bearing on the actual game itself, so as not to disappoint the player later. It might be worth considering to avoid more people pointing that out all the time.
Yeah, the lack of quick access to the map and other such features make it obvious it’s a direct port. But honestly, nothing really bothered me too much (maybe making some of the buttons a tad bigger, and the ability to open the menu at any point, and not only when a textbox is shown). The options menu is the only thing that really stands out. If you fix that, I’d have no big complaints for the Android version really.
Beach scene: Having the possibility to have her more open to exhibitionism would probably satisfy kinky players (me included), but you probably already have plans for the direction of the game so again, no sweat.
Sandals: You welcome 😁
The game is really fun and great! I'm not sure it there will more updates to the game. But if so, does anyone know if you'll have a chance of dating Nathan or having more stories with Matt? (REALLY want more Matt content). I even thought you'll have some content with the one male co-worker you have at the small convenience story. (I don't know why but I think is name is Kevin or something around there)
The paid version focuses a lot on the Bakery route right now. It goes past the route lock for the bakery. Additionally it wasn't too long ago that the public demo and paid versions separated so the content between them isn't going to be too massive right now.
You'll also have access to all future content coming up in Uni anyway with the paid version so if you have a route you like and want to see the rest of you'll only have to wait till we develop it and won't have to worry about paying again.
If you remember what version of the game you played last you can take a look at the changelog here to see everything that's been added since.
I thought so as well, but the game was rejected by steam due to having school uniforms present in the game.
We'll still explore other storefronts like GoG and DLSite, but those are a long ways off right now.
Yeah, school uniforms in a "grey zone" that steam doesn't want to deal with.
Which is fine, I get that, but the biggest issue for me is that it seems to be a dice roll depending on who you get to review your game since there are plenty of examples of 18+ games with school uniforms/school settings on steam. Latest example being "Star Knightess Aura" which is in a school setting and has school uniforms, but likely got past the reviewers since the first 15 minutes of the game doesn't take place in a school.
Not a rag on Star Knightess it's great corruption game, just using that as an example.
Anyone elses game bugged? My Victoria and Nathan route is totally bugged and keep happening at random times. Options I never chose happen and cause the relationship to end and then when I sleep it goes back to where it should be but then I can't interact with the characters. Example, Monday school happened and it was for the museum field trip, as soon as it ends i go to a scene with me getting out of Victorias car and Nathan texting me and then Olivia says im cheating on her and we're through. This is like the 3rd time it's happened but now its at point where i dont really get options in the game anymore and i can't take the route I wanted with Vic. Is this a bug???
For reference, I have turned down any plans with Nathan every single time. Really sad cause I really liked this game and I'm pretty far now and would hate to start over again.
I created an account because I feel I need to say this here, This is literally the best +18 visual novel I've ever seen, All the characters and interactions are super well written, they all have their unique personalities and getting to know them better on each route is incredible, they seem like real people in many aspects, and it makes me feel much more immersed in that world and makes me care about all the characters too, I'm a person who doesn't have much time or patience for Visual novels these days, but this one totally caught my attention, some interactions and characters are so cute and cool that sex ends up being something really secondary to me, I just want to have more scenes and spend more time with the characters in general, mainly Violet in my case, because I ended up leaning towards her in my second gameplay even though at first I thought she was a bitch Xd, so I would like to congratulate everyone who is participating in the creation of this game, because the writing, the arts, the interactions and effects of choices that interfere in a very well-made and realistic way in the story and contexts, It has a lot of content, super unique and likable characters, for various character tastes too, and finally, after all my thanks and congratulations for this incredible production, I would like to ask some questions, Does the version of the game that I will have access to by paying already have much more content than the current demo? And the other question is, if I eventually have access to the most updated version of the game, will I lose my saves? (I'm sorry if my English isn't the best, and I also really want to be able to buy it if I have the chance, but because it's in dollars it's much more expensive here for me, So that's why I really wanted to know if there is a good amount of additional content already available in the paid version of the game)
Thank you, it is incredibly motivating to receive such praise for our work so far, and makes the time that we've spent on the game feel worth it.
I'm very happy to hear how much you're enjoying the game and it's characters and I hope that we'll continue to provide a story that meets your expectations going further.
Now for your questions:
1: "Does the version of the game that I will have access to by paying already have much more content than the current demo?"
Yes it does, however, the additional content right now is the Bakery route. As time goes on the paid version will have more and more content than the Demo does.
2: "if I eventually have access to the most updated version of the game, will I lose my saves?"
As long as the saves remain on your computer you should have access to them in future versions. Still there is always the chance that we made add something in a later version down the line that will break your saves, but there are currently no plans for overhauling anything that may cause that.
So all in all, right now if you enjoy the content in the Bakery route and want to proceed past it's "Route-lock" then the paid version will have that extra content. Still, the $25 version on itch will give you lifetime access to the latest version (A month after Patreon release), and is similar to an early access in that regard.