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AbstractImportant DatesOccupationPlacesSubjects




Published as Author

B. L. Al'tshuler



January 27, 1955 – present

Authorized Form of Name

Al'tshuler, B. L.

Additional Forms of Names

Altshuler, B. L.

Altshuler, Boris L.

Al'tsuler, Boris L'vovic



Boris Al'tshuler is a theoretical physicist from the former Soviet Union. His research interests include semiconductors and superconductors, quantum transport in disordered systems, quantum nanodevices, and quantum chaos.

Important Dates

January 27, 1955Born in Leningrad, Soviet Union, Saint Petersburg (Russia).

1976Obtained Diploma, Saint Petersburg State University (during the Soviet period, it was known as Leningrad State University), Saint Petersburg (Russia).

1979Obtained PhD in Physics, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (formerly named the Leningrad Institute for Nuclear Physics), Gatchina (Russia).

1979 – 1989Research Fellow, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (formerly named the Leningrad Institute for Nuclear Physics), Gatchina (Russia).

1989 – 1996Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (Mass.).

1993Fellow, American Physical Society.

1996Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

1996 – 2007Professor of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton (N.J.).

2002Member, National Academy of Sciences.

2003Awarded Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize, American Physical Society.

2007 – presentProfessor of Physics, Columbia University, New York (N.Y.).

2010Member, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.


Theoretical condensed matter physicist.



Saint Petersburg (Russia)

Undergraduate Education

Saint Petersburg (Russia)

Graduate Education

Gatchina (Russia)


Gatchina (Russia)

Cambridge (Mass.)

Princeton (N.J.)

New York (N.Y.)


Condensed matter.


Nuclear astrophysics.

Nuclear physics.



Advisors & Collaborators

Sakharov, Andreĭ, 1921-1989

Co-wrote two books.


Aizenman, Michael

Both employed at Princeton University.

Anderson, P. W. (Philip W.), 1923-

Both employed at Princeton University.

Austin, Robert H.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Benedek, George Bernard, 1928-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Bialek, William S.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Birgeneau, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1942-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Brinkman, William F. (William Frank), 1938-

Both employed at Princeton University.

Callan, Curtis G.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Chaikin, Paul M.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Chaudhari, Praveen, 1937-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Christ, Norman

Both employed at Columbia University.

Coppi, B.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Davidson, Ronald C.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Deutsch, Martin, 1917-2002

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Dicke, Robert H. (Robert Henry)

Both employed at Princeton University.

Dresselhaus, M. S.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Enge, Harald A.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Feshbach, Herman

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Fitch, Val L., 1923-2015

Both employed at Princeton University.

Friedman, Jerome I. (Jerome Isaac), 1930-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Goldstone, Jeffrey

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Gross, David J. (David Jonathan)

Both employed at Princeton University.

Guth, Alan H.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Haldane, F. Duncan M.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Happer, William, 1939-

Both employed at Princeton University.

Jackiw, Roman W.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Javan, Ali, 1926-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Joannopoulos, J. D. (John D.), 1947-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kastner, Marc A.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kendall, Henry W. (Henry Way), 1926-1999

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ketterle, Wolfgang

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kleppner, Daniel

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lax, Benjamin

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lee, P. A. (Patrick A.), 1946-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lee, T. D., 1926-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Lieb, Elliott H.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Low, Francis E. (Francis Eugene), 1921-2007

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Millis, Andrew J.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Morrison, Philip

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Page, Lyman A.

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Princeton University.

Pinczuk, Aron

Both employed at Columbia University.

Polyakov, A. M.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Porkolab, Miklos

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Randall, Lisa

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University.

Ruderman, Malvin A.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Sciulli, Frank J.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Shull, Clifford Glenwood

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Steinhardt, Paul J.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Störmer, Horst

Both employed at Columbia University.

Tank, David William, 1953-

Both employed at Princeton University.

Taylor, Joseph H. (Joseph Hooton)

Both employed at Princeton University.

Ting, S. C. C. (Samuel Chao-chung), 1936-

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Treiman, Sam B.

Both employed at Princeton University.

Weinberg, Erick J.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Weiss, Rainer

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Weisskopf, Victor Frederick, 1908-2002

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wiesner, Jerome B. (Jerome Bert), 1915-1994

Both employed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wightman, A. S. (Arthur Strong), 1922-2013

Both employed at Princeton University.

Wilkinson, David T.

Both employed at Princeton University.


Major Positions

Columbia University. Department of Physics

Professor of Physics.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics

Professor of Physics.

Peterburgskii institut iadernoi fiziki im. B.P. Konstantinova

Obtained Physics PhD in 1979 and Research Fellow.

Princeton University. Department of Physics

Professor of Physics.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

American Physical Society

Awarded Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.

National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)

Norske videnskaps-akademi

Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi universitet informatsionnykh tekhnologii, mekhaniki I optiki

Obtained Diploma in 1976.


Published Resources


Nauchnye trudy /A.D. Sakharov; [redaktsionnaia kollegiia B.L. Altshuler … et al.].

On mezhdu nami zhil--vospominaniia o Sakharove /redkollegiia, B.L. Altshuler … [et. Al.].

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